I'm Jewish, you jackass. And I'll be having a great Chanukah, like I always do.alainneedle1 wrote:Hummm! easyer to attack on a personal level, harder to argue with the facts, that's ok, you'r not the only one who still belive in Santa Claus after been told he does not exist.MidgeyMidget2 wrote:
Ohhhhh, you are the same moron over at FlightSimWorld. LOL. Do you really have nothing better to do than to go from forum to forum like a preacher trying to get followers?
And wait, 9/11 wasn't an inside job? Damn, I knew I shouldn't have believed that homeless guy on the corner.
I know, it's looking more and more like you will not get DX11 with a new engine.....tough...look like you will have a sad Christmas.
To be honest, I don't really care what Flight is or isn't. I'm currently using FS9 and enjoy it. In the past year and for the foreseeable future, I will be rarely playing Flight Sim. so oh well. With that said, at some point in the future, I'll upgrade my computer (when I actually use FS more) and if I don't like Flight, I'll go with FSX. If Flight looks good, I'll upgrade to that.
I called you a moron because, well, you are one. You act like an ass for no apparent reason (superiority complex maybe?). Aside from that, your "facts" are pure speculation that you believe to be facts. You've yet to prove anything conclusive and all your pointless speculation does nothing. It doesn't change or alter what Microsoft Flight will or will not be. All it does is show that you are trying to prove something to people on the internet...something that has no affect on anything.
By the way, is English your primary language? If it is, that isn't good. Please stop abusing the comma; it hurts its feelings. (And I won't even get started on the other instances in your few posts that you've managed to murder the English language.)