KaiTak Screenshots

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Posts: 147

Post by Mike... » Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:25 pm

paavo wrote:Then it's your loss, if this will be the second FT you don't get does that mean you have TNCM ? Why limit yourself to just Europe and NA ?
Why would it be my loss? I'm not losing anything. Arguably, those that get the scenery, gain something... Although they do 'lose' some money. Yes, I smoke only the best. 8)

I have TNCM. I wasn't going to get that at first either, but together with FT's Miami and Tampa and ImagineSim's Nassau and San Juan, I still make it there every now and then. I do mostly short to medium haul. I am 'European' and am passionate about North America, so that's why I fly there. I've invested a lot of money in sceneries and by focussing on those two regions I feel it's worth it. I don't believe in buying a scenery If I only fly there once or twice. If I don't limit myself, then that's exactly what's gonna happen. I spend more time perfecting my AI and Afcads than I do flying as it is.
paavo wrote:I guess you've never read the avsim forums in general
Well, I read and post there regularly, but I can't say there's that much whining going on or perhaps I read the wrong threads. I am getting tired of the CS threads though... And I steer clear of the FSX forum, there's a limit to the amount of Phil brown-nosing a man can take.

Anyhoo, what was this all about again? :wink:
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:42 pm

Mike... wrote:Yes, I smoke only the best. 8)

Anyhoo, what was this all about again? :wink:
I forgot 8)
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:12 pm

Manny wrote:
george[flytampa] wrote:Yeah, it was me. I forgot about them & Martin prob didn't notice it.
The Jetway was originally for the doomed KBUF (World's most boring airport) Five Two Foxtrot is so exciting, eh Manny ;)
Well George ..Since you find Five two Foxtrot exciting just like I do, I am sure you guys would be doing that airport soon. And for the record, I would not be offended at all if you do 52F.. Really!

:P :P :D :D :D :D

BTW, I didn't know you guys seriously considered KBUF earlier. I can't blame ATAvPilot for that now. My apologize to ATAvPilot.


Manny, no apology required, but will accept it...just that i come to simming and its related forums for a de-stress so to speak so lets all be friends 8)
Posts: 393

Post by B777ER » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:25 pm

I admit that when I heard about this project I was not very excited about it as it is closed airport and I had VHHH from TK with AES. BUT, now that I have seen the screens, I am going to just have to buy it now. Martin has recreated a whole damn city and that is just way too much to pass up. So I suppose in my little virtual world, VHHH is now closed and Kai Tak is now open again.

Couple questions nag at me. Framerates with all that scenery and will it come with a local mesh?

Another point, anyone know where we can get the terminal procedures for Kai Tak for the LVL-D and the PSS 777 aircraft? The only one I could find was for PMDG?
Posts: 318

Post by Dimon » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:55 pm


I'm just curious if you tried to contact Jim Ville to implement IGS13 approach for AI.

Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:15 pm

To help everyone express their feelings:

Answers to all questions regarding Kai Tak & Hong Kong later on.
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:29 pm

testing, never had one of these 8)
ft_kt_banner3_186.jpg (8.41 KiB) Viewed 11509 times
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:30 pm

ATAvPilot wrote:testing, never had one of these 8)
think i did it wrong, anyone like to help me on how to have this show up in near future posts :D
Posts: 1235

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:38 pm

ATAvPilot wrote:
ATAvPilot wrote:testing, never had one of these 8)
think i did it wrong, anyone like to help me on how to have this show up in near future posts :D
Go into your profile and paste the code of the image into the signature box. :wink:

Hey, I'll admit that I'm dissapointed that you made Kai Tak instead of some airport that is still open, but I'm not going to whine about it. It is FlyTampa's choice on what airport to make and for me to get upset about it is just foolish. It is not as if I am being forced to buy it. So to all complainers out there in the world, shut up already. There, my two cents are in (although they will probably stay in the pants pocket and go through the laundry like it always happens).
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:44 pm

ATAvPilot wrote:testing, never had one of these 8)
Put this link in your profile, except add [img]at%20the%20front%20of%20the%20link%20and[/img] at the end of the link

http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/8405 ... 111ja5.jpg
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:08 pm

lets see if it works...yea, ok that one will work for a couple of posts, thanx for the help (slightly forum challenged) 8)
Posts: 95

Post by Silverbud » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:09 pm

i will do a video about it =) as soon as it s release i will work on it ^^
Posts: 114

Post by jvile » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:20 pm


I'm just curious if you tried to contact Jim Vile to implement IGS13 approach for AI.

Lurking in the shadows and never too far away when it comes to Kai Tak
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:01 am

martin[flytampa] wrote:To help everyone express their feelings:

Answers to all questions regarding Kai Tak & Hong Kong later on.
But what about those of us that love this VHHX, can we get this banner:

Kai Tak rocks and KBUF/PANC can suck it!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
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