KaiTak Screenshots

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Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:30 am

george[flytampa] wrote:Yeah, it was me. I forgot about them & Martin prob didn't notice it.
The Jetway was originally for the doomed KBUF (World's most boring airport) Five Two Foxtrot is so exciting, eh Manny ;)
now your just making it hurt, please.. maybe boring is that far off the mark but damn i was sure hoping, reading that it was possibly going to be done kept me coming back here for the last 2 years. I mean Buffalo, who thinks of us (aside from all the nonsense sports stuff) so to think there was a glimmer of hope..wow, well the excitement was fun i must say while it lasted.
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:13 am

those arent screens of jetways at buf (that you still have in the computer) are they..... 8)
Posts: 21

Post by JayKae » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:07 am

FlySanJose wrote:Looks great! Did you guys even flinch when 9Dragons released theirs? I never bothered to get it because there were like 7 different downloads or some crap.
That was only because of AVSIM's limited upload size, it can be downloaded from www.fsfiles.org in one download

http://fsfiles.org/PA/index.php?act=view&id=29 (version 2 )

http://fsfiles.org/PA/index.php?act=view&id=31 ( update 2.1
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:56 am

FlySanJose wrote:Looks great! Did you guys even flinch when 9Dragons released theirs? I never bothered to get it because there were like 7 different downloads or some crap.
I never got it because I loved the simplicity of TK's VHHH but that all got shot to s#!t upon seeing these screenshots. I'm already planning to reroute some of my AI VHHH inbound/outbound flights to Kai Tak as it was always overcrowded there anyway. I can't wait to fly an A340-500/600 on that checker board approach (coming from Dubai of course).
Posts: 206

Post by WEAJHD » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:40 am


This looks frigging awesome, can't wait till this is out despite the relatively good freeware scenery that's out already

You folks always impress no matter what you make :)

EDIT: also after reading this comment from martin about a year ago gave me a very faint hope that they were making it, but i never expected it :)
martin[flytampa] wrote:
WEAJHD wrote:. That would have to be a Flytampa Style Kai tak airport, but as this airport no longer exists, i believe that it's no use in even hoping it will be made.
This is not to say I am or will work on Kai Tak, but the fact that the airport doesn't exist anymore is certainly not an issue for me.
Last edited by WEAJHD on Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 147

Post by Mike... » Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:20 am

paavo wrote:The thread at avsim was full of haters ( it is avsim after all ) and he jumped in the thread and shut them down, giving lots pf praise to Martin and his upcoming version.
LOL! You've got quite the imagination. Yes, some people are expressing their disappointment, but from what I remember, pretty much everybody agreed the shots looked amazing. And they do. Nobody is 'hating'. It's just that some people are into Kai Tak, some are into Buffalo! :D

What I found odd is that everybody (or so it seems) who has ever worked on a Kai Tak is in there 'loving' or as you put it 'shutting people down', like they all get a percentage... But that's probably my imagination. :P

Personally, I only fly in Europe and North America, so I won't be getting it. It'll be the second FT scenery together with Dubai that I don't own.

Now tell me, are those Delta jetways part of KSLC?! :wink:
Posts: 2

Post by EC-TLG » Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:41 am

Posts: 14

Post by Marc_H » Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:18 am

One question, will the new scenery be compatible with "Project Visual Hong Kong" (pvhk11.zip flightsim.com)?
Posts: 134

Post by Manny » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:05 am

paavo wrote:
Manny got lucky and the airport he really wanted ( Kai tak ) gets made, I think he was just busting your chops is all. I'm sure he's wanted airports that are sparse, like KASE. :twisted:
You remember THAT? :shock: :shock:

:P :D

Posts: 134

Post by Manny » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:08 am

george[flytampa] wrote:Yeah, it was me. I forgot about them & Martin prob didn't notice it.
The Jetway was originally for the doomed KBUF (World's most boring airport) Five Two Foxtrot is so exciting, eh Manny ;)
Well George ..Since you find Five two Foxtrot exciting just like I do, I am sure you guys would be doing that airport soon. And for the record, I would not be offended at all if you do 52F.. Really!

:P :P :D :D :D :D

BTW, I didn't know you guys seriously considered KBUF earlier. I can't blame ATAvPilot for that now. My apologize to ATAvPilot.


Posts: 38

Post by mackintosh » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:10 am

Looks beautiful, great job so far guys. Pity though, this will be the second FT scenery in a row that I won't buy (TCNM was in an area I never fly to and this is a closed airport and it just doesn't "feel" right for me to fly there, now how retarded is that?) :(

Will there be a way to decouple the city scenery from the airport and install it separately? At least that way I'd still get to throw some money your way? :D
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:59 am

Mike... wrote:
paavo wrote:The thread at avsim was full of haters ( it is avsim after all ) and he jumped in the thread and shut them down, giving lots pf praise to Martin and his upcoming version.
LOL! You've got quite the imagination. Yes, some people are expressing their disappointment, but from what I remember, pretty much everybody agreed the shots looked amazing
I guess you've never read the avsim forums in general, not just the Kai Tak thread, that's ok, inside jokes aren't meant for everybody.
I just think it's funny that people are all but hurt because the airport they wanted didn't get made, let me sum up the posts.

"Why make a closed airport, I wated KXXX or SXXX, whaaaaaa, they didn't make the aiport that I wanted whaaaaaa"

I'm the first to admit that I was never a fan of closed airports, had no interest in them, but VHHX really grew on me, now I love it. Somebody at another forum made a great point, people are flying planes no longer in service like the Concorde all the time
What I found odd is that everybody (or so it seems) who has ever worked on a Kai Tak is in there 'loving' or as you put it 'shutting people down', like they all get a percentage... But that's probably my imagination. :P
LMAO, percentage ? pass me the bong because I want some of what you are smoking.
I think it shows that Clutch is a good dude and knows what a masterpiece this scenery is.
Personally, I only fly in Europe and North America, so I won't be getting it. It'll be the second FT scenery together with Dubai that I don't own.
Then it's your loss, if this will be the second FT that you don't get, does that mean you have TNCM ?
Why limit yourself to just Europe and NA ?
Now tell me, are those Delta jetways part of KSLC?! :wink:
Now we know what airport you wanted made instead of VHHX :twisted:
Last edited by paavo on Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 66

Post by bkircher » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:46 am

WOW, looking good there

My apologies for my topic, that I posted a while ago Martin and George.
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:57 am

Manny wrote:
paavo wrote:
Manny got lucky and the airport he really wanted ( Kai tak ) gets made, I think he was just busting your chops is all. I'm sure he's wanted airports that are sparse, like KASE. :twisted:
You remember THAT? :shock: :shock:

:P :D

The search button remembers everything :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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