Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

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Posts: 3867

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by george[flytampa] » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:05 pm

This is the first time I need MidgeyMidget2 to deal with him. Its out of my league. Puzzled.
Posts: 1235

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:07 pm

Christofer wrote:We bypass the fact that you coped someone else picture which happened to be a respected name in the
Hellenic aviation.You know very well what im talking about receiving "private" photos which are illegally shot
and using them in an profitable way.Don't play me now the Chinese tourist.In any case further action is gonna
be taken as stated earlier you can do what you like until then.

I think that about sums it up.
Posts: 218

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by yankeesji » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:11 pm

Does he really spell his name with an "F" in it? Automatically proves he's a complete dipshit.

Buzz off troll boyf. Notice the "F"...LOL.
Posts: 8

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by Christofer » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:16 pm

Something last about the (not so important) airliners

You have limited rights to personally view the images with your web browser and to use them as your personal computer wallpaper (or background image) on your own computer. These photos may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, or otherwise altered without the written permission of the photographer. No commercial use of these photos may be made in any way. All rights are reserved.
Posts: 15

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by jonmkj » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:17 pm

"How many idiots can there be? Some say that it's one out of three. If you don't know then take it from me.... you're a DEE DEE DEE!"
Posts: 218

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by yankeesji » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:24 pm

Ok...I've used my extensive conecfions (used an "F" again, I'm on a roll) and tracked down his IP address. I've had a satellite launched to get a view of Chris with an "F"'s location...See below for the most recent shot sent back. Just as I had thought.

Posts: 3

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by mdm248111 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:29 pm


And C-Fer, is saying that the photo itself can't be used for a commercial purpose (i.e., selling the photo, putting it on a billboard..etc) You can use the photo as a REFERENCE to make a texture. If the actual photo itself isn't used, than there is NO difference in looking at that picture versus going to the actual airport it self...
Posts: 2

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by nikourdouvagas » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:48 pm

It is more than obvious that you have absolutely no clue about what is the regulatory framework in Greece .
It is very simple. It is forbidden to take pictures of the airport from within the airport unless it is authorized by the relevant authority. In Greece, you can take pictures of the airport from outside the airport but :
If it is a private property you are not allowed to take pictures from the inside.
If it is a public property (it could be military – or include facilities that are military or governmental and assigned a special protection status ex. Security facilities, police stations etc) it is again protected for national security interests. Maybe you will be able to take pictures from a distance however you might be arrested. This happened in the past with 2 British citizens arrested for espionage. Trust me , you don’t wish to be involved in anything like that.
You have to understand how things work here. Usually you will get away with it. However now probably you won’t as user christofer seems like is going to bring the issue to his company. You run a high chance of being chased down be the airport authorities and the Greek authorities as well. I see you are located in Southampton and hence I believe you are British. With these pictures you could be accused of gathering intelligence on the airport and its surroundings. You understand your local authorities wont like such accusations by their Greek colleagues.
Furthermore , according to national legislation law 2472/1997 you are not allowed to take pictures or video without the consent of any persons depicted in it.
At the same time I am quite sure that AIA won’t like it when they see you used their copyrighted logos and name.
Other than that I would like to congratulate you for your great sceneries.
Posts: 218

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by yankeesji » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:02 pm

These people really prove that the world gets dumbef (another "F") by the minute.

Oh well, I guess all of us that are using the pictures as wallpapers had better say our good byes to our families, it appears we are all headed to the big house...Hopefully Chris with and F's...It seems like a really neat place (useing gay voice).
Posts: 2

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by nikourdouvagas » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:07 pm


I see many kids write in here. Guys, if you don’t understand what’s going on ask your parents or teachers. Of course using a wallpaper is significantly different than gathering information to create an airport at a smaller scale. If you don’t get what I am talking about its fine, no worries.
George and the rest of Tampa staff, if you want clarifications on what I wrote above contact me in private, I believe you have my email.
Posts: 218

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by yankeesji » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:12 pm

nikourdouvagas wrote:Right,

I see many kids write in here. Guys, if you don’t understand what’s going on ask your parents or teachers. Of course using a wallpaper is significantly different than gathering information to create an airport at a smaller scale. If you don’t get what I am talking about its fine, no worries.
George and the rest of Tampa staff, if you want clarifications on what I wrote above contact me in private, I believe you have my email.
Posts: 6

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by ace2 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:16 pm

c'mon guys (I mean christopher) get a grip here for god's sake! There are tons of pictures that tourists, visitors, employees, etc. area allowed to take in airports, and LGAV is no exception. Have you gone around asking people for airline photo provision??! Well I have for many airports and they have been given without problems. Dont try to tell me about Greek legislation and crap as I am from Greece and have myself acquired plenty of airline photos and no one came crying to me that I m taking illegal pictures, neither that I might use the pattern therein to draw textures.

Mostly these are used as reference and you d better appreciate the astonishing 3D models that George produced from them, rather than talking s**t about illegal pictures and such. What is sold here is the mastery of texturing and 3D modelling. You should be rather happy that this work will bring Athens to worldwide users, not moan about it like a beggar looking for money. These people are actually working and producing something, unlike YOU who asks money for nothing!

About logos and such, do you think all traffic add-ons should also ask for permission to depict aircraft traffic with an Airline logo painted on it? :)

On the other hand, I heard that when Microsoft modelled the Parthenon for FSX, they tried to get permission from the architects but since it was a tiny bit difficult, they bribed the Greek government...yes...big scandal back then...
Posts: 2121

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by skydvdan » Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:09 pm

Thanks people for renewing what happened a few years back. This is just proof of why the old way of not revealing the scenery until the week before release was the way to go. George, this was a nice experiment but I'd just chalk it up as a fail on the part of the end users. Some people just can't handle this way of doing business.
Posts: 105

Re: Is FlyTampa working on Athens?

Post by Silverbird » Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:19 pm

Christofer I really don't understand why you are Threatening George!! you might not care for it but allot of us do here!! and will defend it to the end!! the laws of Greece don't apply to him. it blows my mind on why you would want this project to end so fast after all these years, were close on getting a fantastic Athens lgav airport and you wanna come here and destroy it!

It is easy to destroy then create isn't it? why are you trying to end the development of such a wonderful project? it benefits us and Greek simmers the photos are used as reference, he creates by hand his textures its payware because the guy needs to pay the rent and eat food is that evil ?? come on man you should really rethink your words and actions if not then you will be known as the guy who killed the best Lgav recreation in flight simulator. I honestly don't know what else to say to you but I will end it with what goes around comes around right back too you in life. now guess what, thank you for making it worse for us. Im sure this will be the last time flytampa previews or announces something.
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