Dubai Update?

Posts: 7

Post by airduwet » Sat May 02, 2009 8:03 pm


Nice..atleast better in avsim there :wink:

Me also tried it..but give up already..and found out here got more better than still newbie in gmax
Posts: 115

Post by Mage » Sun May 03, 2009 1:03 pm

The project is alive, no question about it, and something should happen but, like I said, I have no control over what or when. Don't forget that MM develops these things for his own amusement and could just as easily decide to keep it to himself (he's said that more than once, and he has several sceneries unreleased, Nairobi, Cairo, Luxembourg, Rotterdam, Ostend, Lokichoggio and Bole, that he does tiny bits of work on as he discovers something new about the airports). Its just his personal amusement that he doesn't do for anything other than pleasure, no deadlines, no expectations and definitely no demands.

AUH got complicated because there was a flood of information from someone who visits the airport often, and it was worth taking it further. Without that information it would have been released freeware a year ago and be inaccurate (especially by now). Even though I have a copy, if he asked me 10 Euros for it tomorrow I'd pay up simply because I get more than that in pleasure from using it, same as I do for Martin's more complex and detailed sceneries.

I'm also not going to get into a discussion about what people want and what they'll pay for, mainly because that decision is nothing to do with me and so are the "ethics".

@biloo - the T1 building is massively changed from your model. To increase the space inside the building they added lots of ugly stuff around it.There's also a new external walkway around the front of T1's arc building and the windows set back at the top are all flush-glazed by now. There's also a sub-terminal (T1A) built in the service vehicle layer at the base of the terminal. And that's not even the new part of the airport! The base of at least one of the small satellites is also now boarded/glazed making its pedestal a lot "fatter". If you decide to carry on with AUH in the future, it might also be an idea to use a satellite picture of T1 in your Gmax viewport to get the proportions of the terminal absolutely correct. I had a long discussion with MM last year about T1 (because I saw some proportions I didn't think were right) and he changed a couple of aspects that threw everything else into disarray. I was not his favourite person for a while! Its one of those buildings that, once you start adding the jetways (and every one is different - they come out of the building and to the plane at different angles (and lengths, and heights - some are just for narrowbodies), the docking system has a different heading and stop distance on every gate, its a nightmare changing just one small thing, sometimes. Making those little satellite "pods" larger could, for example, mean changing just about everything. There's also a discussion at the real AUH about bringing the 2 disused gates back into operation (the ones nearest to the arc terminal) for small regional aircraft.

Also with the shape of all the T1 buildings it is critical to remove unseen faces and make at least 2 LODs for the buildings because they are quite complex shapes if accurately modelled, and if they are visible at 10 miles that can really hurt the frame rates. At the present version of AUH I'm using, the frames are now about 19-30, but only because so much optimisation has been done and LODs are used extensively (of course that's all completely meaningless because there's no ground picture).

Also, as I said a short time ago here, its not at a point where people can join the effort because none of the things that need doing are large enough to make it worthwhile. It takes more effort for MM organising and perfecting a small thing made by someone else, than making it himself. If the idea was "make terminal 3", that would be enough to keep someone very busy, but if its "change the number of lights on this lighting pole and make it bi-directional - that can take 10 minutes of cloning, saving and exporting, far less than it would take to give the task to someone else and co-ordinate it - and that's where the scenery is at.

Of course if he was to make ground images, that would be a few more months, I guess. Still, that's what you have to do if you want to please everybody ;-) .

I'd personally advise him to release a version with just T1 and T3 and downgrade the rest of the scenery to using default objects again, reserving the more detailed version for people who are prepared to recognise the time he put into it, with a small payment.
Posts: 17

Post by Hamad » Tue May 05, 2009 7:17 am

Hey Mage,

that is a great Idea to release a Beta Version of AUH.
I hope MM will do this Idea ;)
Posts: 17

Post by Hamad » Tue May 05, 2009 7:17 am

Hey Mage,

that is a great Idea to release a Beta Version of AUH.
I hope MM will do this Idea ;)
Posts: 115

Post by Mage » Tue May 05, 2009 2:24 pm

Beta? No chance. He won't do that, and I agree with him. It would just be a licence for people who whine and complain (about something they got for free) to do some more complaining, it would increase the number of versions floating around, and would be a waste of everybody's time because of the semi-formal testing. And being a beta there'd be an obligation to come back and fix things which MM will definitely not do (because he's sick of it already, and there'll be no way for him to get feedback in any case - the whole point of a beta being to get feedback, not provide a load of strangers with something-for-nothing). Whatever version comes out, and whether free or pay - I don't know - but if its free then MM would walk away. Whatever way, MM won't contemplate a beta phase.

It will go into a semi-formal test phase with a small (and already chosen) hand-picked team and then it would just be a matter of time depending upon what gets picked up. He'd have approached Jim Vile (he holds Jim in high regard) however Jim works mainly with FSX, and with AFCAD ground this scenery might have problems in FSX.

Its sad how people will make such an impatient fuss about something for free but run a mile when there's the thought they might have to reward someone for their effort (and get ticked off about the developer too - unbelievable). Its the Internet age, and boy does it show! I'm glad I don't have to get involved any more than I am.

I don't intend making any further posts on this project here. It will appear when it appears, and in the form that the new developer decides. MM is stepping away from the project on June 1 and it is up to the new guy to decide how it goes (freeware or token charge - its not like the price MM mandated as maximum would hurt anybody but the most parsimonious), or how far out a release might be. Since I'm not in regular communication with the new person, I'm not going to have anything to report! So, the southern part of AUH is pretty much done, from the version I now have.

One final note. I'm sure when it appears people will complain that its inaccurate because of some buildings that aren't there, however by December 31st it will probably be a lot more accurate because those buildings will have been constructed.
Posts: 17

Post by Hamad » Mon May 25, 2009 5:32 am

Nothing New?
Posts: 23

Post by biloo007 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:58 pm

hi anything new lately on the development ??
Posts: 7

Post by airduwet » Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:05 pm


Really welcome OMAA scenery!!
Posts: 23

Post by biloo007 » Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:43 am

airduwet nice to see ur pic ... how far have you reached ?

I have also restarted working on this project. I have started on redesigning my models. Haven't worked on textures and ground scenery. That would be way after once I feel satisfied with the scenery textures I am able to get.

Perhaps we could join forces ??? :p
Posts: 7

Post by airduwet » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:46 am

airduwet nice to see ur pic ... how far have you reached ?

I have also restarted working on this project. I have started on redesigning my models. Haven't worked on textures and ground scenery. That would be way after once I feel satisfied with the scenery textures I am able to get.

Perhaps we could join forces ??? :p
thank you !! :D for the compliment

perhaps we should patiently wait MM OMAA scenery seem that almost complete and I guess its in beta tester right now..

im feeling thankfull if he release it..even in their all already someone release AUH scenery..(well you know) but I prefer this one..worth to wait it..:)

bout that is nice to see if you are approaching from DOH.. :wink:
Posts: 23

Post by biloo007 » Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:40 am

MM and Martin thank you sooo much for releasing this scenery.

I would like to congratulate your team for such a lovely work.
I have tried it and tested it and its beautiful.

All those long hard working hours came to a worthwhile project.

I was designing this airport as well and having the experience I can only be impressed by the amount of detail, specifics and accuracy are given into this scenery.
Posts: 10

Post by Dubai » Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:33 pm

Abu Dhabi indeed great scenery.

I was bit confused after reading this thread, is it that somebody is trying to update the Texture for DXB Terminla 3??

Last time I went it looked like the screens were a very light Blue, and Dubai something written on the air bridges, and runway 12R/30L aligned with Tower.

Would be excellent if this scenery was updated.
Posts: 1

Apartments in Dubai

Post by Amandajacob » Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:17 am


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Posts: 1235

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:29 am

Ms. Amanda Jacob, are you included in this apartment? Or do I have to bring in trampy? :twisted: