Hey Guys,
First, I would like to thank all of you for your interest in the project. It really helps a developer know that others appreciate his/her work, and really keeps me going on those nights that I have hit a road block in bglcomp or the 3d modeling program acts up.
I greatly appreciate Fly Tampa for allowing this thread to be open.
The short update is that almost all the 3d models are done, but I need to take a trip to the airport to gather photo textures. If anyone wants to help me with that let me know. That is the part that has taken the longest, I.e. Trying to arrange it and such.
For everyone who wants to contact me, my email is
support@flightsimdesigns.com, although this scenery will be produced with it's own separate entity, which will have nothing to do with Flight Sim Designs.
The ground is chugging along, while I learn new techniques along the way.
I should have a few screenshots of the completed buildings soon. I want to make sure they are ready for you to see, that's all.
If you can help, shoot me an email, and we will see what we can do in terms of compensation. I want as much as you do to make BWI, and see it in flight sim. Together, we can make it happen.
Again, thank you guys and Fly Tampa. I really enjoy these forums better than any other on the net.