- Posts: 43
by ATAvPilot » Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:07 pm
[/quote]I felt the same way as you at first, so I was hoping I could get you to see the light so to speak. You made a good post, a little ranting is ok, we all do it, in fact I did it to you in my post. You've earned my respect for not being afraid to speak your mind, and more so for not being afraid to change your opinion.[/quote]
Thank you. common ground is something missing from todays way of thinking. now, so that i may "prep" my computer for this do you feel that a re-install is in order. i put all the texture files for 9D in the scenery file that they had in their instructions (among all the other blah blah blah that went with their install...thinking about this hurts my brain

- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:13 pm
ATAvPilot wrote:
Thank you. common ground is something missing from todays way of thinking. now, so that i may "prep" my computer for this do you feel that a re-install is in order. i put all the texture files for 9D in the scenery file that they had in their instructions (among all the other blah blah blah that went with their install...thinking about this hurts my brain

I doubt you will need to reinstall FS9, Martin is the only one that knows the real answer. I think the 9draggons has an unistaller as well, so I don't think you need to worry about a complete FS9 reinstall.
- Posts: 43
by ATAvPilot » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:39 pm
To whom it may help:
After about 30 minutes or so i have successfully removed all the files for 9 Dragons kai tak. download part 1 of 9D V2 (not the orginal) from flightsim.com. in this file is a adobe reader similar to the first one that we read. It will spell out all the ways to fully remove the files, first being the normal ways we uninstall via FS9 scenery library and so forth then onto all those (and i stress all those) files that were added to the texture file in FS9...anyways, if i can do it, trust me we all can. and to think i was considering re-install (not a small task). In the last couple hours of staring at the screenshots released i have very much grown to this airport..Paavo, side note, i have never ever considered looking for good freeware in the SouthAsia area, now i have 3 good ones on download at the moment

for that first flight to this masterpiece. If i can help anyone with 9D removal i am willing to help where i can. In reference to my orginal remark about this scenery and limited FS funds....well...its all relative isnt it (to wants)

One favor to FlyTampa, for changing my position 180 degrees, keep em coming!
- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:49 pm
ATAvPilot wrote: i have never ever considered looking for good freeware in the SouthAsia area, now i have 3 good ones on download at the moment
Let me know what they are, cause I'm going to want them also.
- Posts: 164
by yankeesfan12 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:33 pm
i have a question: in the first picture, is that a 757 or an A319 or 20? it has the 757 windows but looks like an airbus. sorry if this is a stupid question.
- Posts: 164
by yankeesfan12 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:36 pm
i never knew cebu air pacific operates 757's? nice job, its very smart of you guys to make an fsx version becasue probley on every fsx form you look at there is someone asking if there is any good VHHX scenery for fsx.
- Posts: 51
by navymmw » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:29 pm
This scenery does look amazing but I sort of wish they made a different scenery instead of Kai Tak. There is already a great Kai Tak out there, I know fly tampa started to make this before 9dragons but I guess it is just bad timeing.
- Posts: 302
by _Dre_ » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:54 pm
paavo wrote:ATAvPilot wrote: i have never ever considered looking for good freeware in the SouthAsia area, now i have 3 good ones on download at the moment
Let me know what they are, cause I'm going to want them also.
I know a couple for FS9 but were you talking about FSX?
- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:01 pm
_Dre_ wrote:paavo wrote:ATAvPilot wrote: i have never ever considered looking for good freeware in the SouthAsia area, now i have 3 good ones on download at the moment
Let me know what they are, cause I'm going to want them also.
I know a couple for FS9 but were you talking about FSX?
- Posts: 302
by _Dre_ » Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:46 pm
Ok here are a couple of FS9 freeware destinations in the Hong Kong region. Use the Avsim search engine:
(Incheon, South Korea) Avsim filename: the_winged_city_v1_0_eng
(Jakarta, Indonesia [AES enabled] ) filename: wiii
(Manila, Phillipines) filename: rpll2004 (afcad filename: rpllafcd)
(Subic Bay, Phillipines) filename: rplb_v11
(Juanda, Indonesia [AES enabled] ) filename: wrsj
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) filename: kliav2
PS-Dubai isn't that far away either (about a 5-6 hr flight) and it's a very picturesque flight as you pass close to Mt. Everest. The Overland airports have begun getting AES'ed as well.
- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:18 pm
Thanks, I just reinstalled FS9 after using just FSX for months, forgot how good the old sim runs and all the great planes and other add ons I have for it.