Update & new plans

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Posts: 3

Re: Update & new plans

Post by AlexGrin » Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:29 am

george[flytampa] wrote:
altstiff wrote:CYUL? CYYZ please! It's Canada's busiest airport....

BUT if the above list is our only option....CYUL of course..

Although EFHK would be nice for FSX (the freeware FS9 version is awesome).

Is the next addon for FSX only George? Either way I say CYUL with EFHK a close second....
Its too big for now. If Montreal sells well, I'll consider Toronto for the future. Canada is un-tested ground for us.
how about cywg? not to small or too big
Posts: 3

Re: Update & new plans

Post by AlexGrin » Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:29 am

george[flytampa] wrote:
altstiff wrote:CYUL? CYYZ please! It's Canada's busiest airport....

BUT if the above list is our only option....CYUL of course..

Although EFHK would be nice for FSX (the freeware FS9 version is awesome).

Is the next addon for FSX only George? Either way I say CYUL with EFHK a close second....
Its too big for now. If Montreal sells well, I'll consider Toronto for the future. Canada is un-tested ground for us.
how about cywg? not to small or too big
air canada1998
Posts: 1

Re: Update & new plans

Post by air canada1998 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:13 pm

How about Edmonton??? It's Canadian and also has awful scenery :(
Posts: 17

Re: Update & new plans

Post by sddjd » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:31 pm

Just my two cents, as long as I've wished for it, it now seems that a rebooted KSAN (discussed as a possibility long previously) would make sense some time down the road. Of course, that assumes it's still even a possibility, but with the major expansion currently in progress an update seems premature until real-life completion.

Certainly doesn't qualify as a smaller airport anymore, but it does provide an intriguing bonus to any reboot (as a full price purchase):
KSAN v4.jpg
KSAN v4.jpg (85.1 KiB) Viewed 11672 times
Posts: 3

Re: Update & new plans

Post by luca90 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:41 am

Posts: 1

Re: Update & new plans

Post by boing71234567 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:08 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:Regarding potential new projects; I originally planed a smaller US airport Thoughts & comments welcome.
Smaller U.S. Airport: KBDL! Plenty of pictures, and a very nice airport to made, close to Buffalo.
Posts: 206

Re: Update & new plans

Post by WEAJHD » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:42 am

I'd vote for Prague or Helsinki :)

Prague is pretty central in europe and gives many interesting destinations throughout europe with the NGX, general aviation and smaller turboprops, also a popular tourist destination.

And Helsinki.. well.. i guess mostly because i'm scandinavian myself, but also because Finland don't really have much addons at all.

As a side wish, it would be awesome if you could model my home airport as well, George (ENKB) a small airport on the norwegian coastline, a main supply base for all the offshore installations nearby, combined with mountains further inland.

(Yes, i know it will never happen, but it doesen't hurt to come with a suggestion, lol)
Posts: 60

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Scott » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:18 pm

I have a couple of side suggestions for future consideration from you guys.

I would love to see Heraklion (LGIR) produced for FSX/FS9. as I believe this is one unique airport, that aswell it would compliment Athens really well.

My other suggestion would be Glasgow, primarily because that is my home-port and I would love to see it re-created by FlyTampa. I know that there is the UK2000 one but I believe there is still a good room for improvement.

Thanks for looking.

Posts: 47

Re: Update & new plans

Post by FSXflyer12 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:33 pm

air canada1998 wrote:How about Edmonton??? It's Canadian and also has awful scenery :(
i live in edmonton and would love a good scenary because its not big or small and is not anywere near the city so you dont need to modle much
Posts: 18

Re: Update & new plans

Post by smokeyupahead » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:20 am

Hi, your Athens scenery is amazing! Good work guys.

My 2 cents:

I would really love to see CYYZ making fsx being Toronto my birthplace and having worked at Pearson International.
I've been flight simming for 17 years now and good quality airport scenery for Canada has never been produced.
L.B. Pearson is the busiest airport in Canada and IMO it would make more sense to replicate that airport, considering the fact that it has also been upgraded in the past few years.
The Toronto skyline is beautifull and I can see already see LimeSim reproduce it like they have done already for some US cities.

The time has come for a Canadian airport and I can see it being a top seller scenery without any doubt, please consider CYYZ!

David Di Domizio
Posts: 18

Re: Update & new plans

Post by supercar1000 » Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:51 am

Thanks for CYUL!

For those people wanting YYZ... you have 2 scenes already and AES.
Posts: 52

Re: Update & new plans

Post by duco » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:31 pm

The Toronto skyline is beautifull and I can see already see LimeSim reproduce it like they have done already for some US cities.
ouuuu thatd be awsome. if they ever did theyd have to include toronto island airport without a doubt. now youve got me wishing limescene did toronto. i also agree cyyz needs to be done badly but george said hes gona stay away from the "big" airports for now. Mentioned that depending on Montreal sales he might look into cyyz. keeping the fingers crossed.
Posts: 6

Re: Update & new plans

Post by PatrickZ » Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:56 pm

Since I only fly in Europe my vote would be either for Prague or Helsinki. However, for both airports a freeware scenery already exists. Not as nice as FlyTampa, but still better than the default scenery. So there is no urgent need for these airports.

So I'd make another suggestion. Rome Fiumicino airport has not been done for FSX at all, and the FS2004 versions are pretty outdated as well. Therefor there absolutely is need for a LIRF scenery and it would be fantastic if FlyTampa could fill this hole in the market.
Posts: 35

Re: Update & new plans

Post by xjt1000 » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:28 am

Now People no mean commets but We live in the USA well I do and i think Flytampa should stick with USA airports for now. I dont like the facted that they are doing airports that i never even heard of. Like the new front runners? I never even heard of thoes airports. Are they big or small? can they hold a jumbo jets or a cessnas. So i think Flytampa should do USA airports.
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