Well you made one ginormous error by stating emphatically that this is not a request. All that did was provide superfuel for the flamers because it is plain and simply a request.gregvancouver wrote:Whilst this is not a **request**, i would ask Martin and George to consider this airport for a country and continent that is very deprived in the Flight Simulation world.
Here are some difficult to find images.
http://www.southafrica.to/transport/Air ... planes.JPG From the new pier to the old A concourse
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/231/4492 ... 1c.jpg?v=0
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3194/259 ... ee.jpg?v=0 Good image of B stands opposite main terminal
http://www.shine2010.co.za/blog/wp-cont ... -tambo.jpg Good image of concrete
http://www.702.co.za/news/images/image/airportsapa.jpg Landside sign
http://www.southafrica.to/transport/Air ... -LARGE.JPG Good picture of SAA Tech hangers from the D-concourse (domestic buildings)
Thanks guys, I hope you take a few minutes to take a look.
P.S-these are only images from google that i took a while to find-nothing from A.net or J.net here.
However, with a little (or alot) more accurate and wider ranging source materials (photos) this could have passed as an "acceptable" request. Yes such a thing *an acceptable request* does exist.
That was from a request for Beijing last year (2007) by Matanos.martin[flytampa] wrote:Requests such as this, that point out interesting new airport constructions (with picture links) are always welcome.
Does not mean I can or will start building it tomorrow tho.
For all future requesters: Use the search engine to find Matanos' Beijing request from '07 to learn the proper way to do it, otherwise I'll be watching and LOL-ing as your scorched asses are making your way to the burn unit at your local hospital.