KaiTak Screenshots

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flight_simulator _arg
Posts: 23

Post by flight_simulator _arg » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:59 am

not even shakeaspeare could come close to expresing how amazing that scenery is looking... so i will just shut up and admit that this has come far away from my reviewing capacity...
Posts: 29

Post by matanos » Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:03 am

glapira wrote:OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HAVE NO WORDS... you guys have allways been the best in what you do, so we should have expected such an OUTSTANDING JOB.

I can't wait to have it on my HDD!

Keep up the good work, and please give us some info if you can about its status of development! Is it in Beta?
also more about what glapira said!

WOWWWWWW GUYS !!!!! almost thinking about being there drinking chinese tea on the harbour

Just give you A+++ as always for your great work !

You are so amazing team

when the flight simmers will get some of this masterpiece?


Let's start with china and complete the missing in the far imperial capital in the north - Beijing Capital airport 2008



Posts: 164

Post by yankeesfan12 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:34 am

wow. i cant wait to get this, i bought i new computer (super computer) for $1,200 to run fsx like a charm and this will look great with it!
thank you
Marco EDDF
Posts: 1

Post by Marco EDDF » Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:19 am

WOW! :shock:

And Oliver (AES) has Kai Tak already implemented in his next version.

http://www.forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?showtopic=18369 Post#10
Posts: 1

Post by jameswyhk » Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:35 pm

The vehicles are extremely unrealistic. Drivers sit on the right side in HK!
Posts: 49

Post by mikeP » Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:38 pm

Posts: 368

Post by deltaboeing84 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:40 pm

And they still make suggestions... I think this scenery is awesome.
jameswyhk wrote:The vehicles are extremely unrealistic. Drivers sit on the right side in HK!
If the cars piss you off so much then don't buy it.
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:59 pm

deltaboeing84 wrote:And they still make suggestions... I think this scenery is awesome.
jameswyhk wrote:The vehicles are extremely unrealistic. Drivers sit on the right side in HK!
If the cars piss you off so much then don't buy it.
Exactly, plus they do drive on the left side of the road, just pretend they are American cars. Hey, this is flight sim not traffic sim.
Posts: 49

Post by mikeP » Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:11 pm

The million dollar questions is when will we be able to purchase this obviously AMAZING addon.
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:42 pm

ahhh..absolutely beautiful. To clear the air from jump street...Why? One would have to question if Fly knew nothing about 9Dragons being made. Now i may stand alone on some things that i will write but i am positive that their will be posters that agree without saying so. First, its closed. Now for a positve, Its one (was) of the most difficult approaches in the world (fact or opinion, dont know because i am not too familiar with the "top ten approaches so to speak"). Talent Talent Talent, to make a whole city included is just awesome, but to go back to the fact that it is closed takes away from "as real as it gets". Long hauls...to arrive at such a great representation of an airport, one must depart from either freeware in the region (give or take several payware that are not near the quality of FT) or from far away lands of which you would have to do a fuel stop at a freeware airport (lack of realism, following??) ie..KMDW to kai tak...no (for various reasons, fuel, and no such route) TNCM to kai tak..no (again fuel, lack of real world route) and lets be honest...percentage of flight simmers that sit in front of their computer for 14 hours at a time enroute..no (or maybe they go do laundry or go to work...again lack of realism). maybe i sound like i am ranting, well i am. The ability now to make whole cities if they chose is a ART, one that i feel would have been more welcomed into any real world active airport. Extremely bittersweet to wait 14 months for such high quality only to experience both admiration and dissapointment at the exact same time. My limited FS dollars might very well be directed elsewhere (KJFK maybe, i am from Buffalo KBUF so was wholeheartedly wishing for FT) but i am certain that you will have no problems selling this work of unimaginable art, its just beautiful again and great job done. :)
Posts: 1235

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:57 pm

Wow, never did I expect this. The truth is, I'm kind of disappointed. Not because it doesn't look AMAZING, but because I really wouldn't fly there at all, especially since the airport is no longer operational. When will someone do a nice KBWI? :| :D

Anyways, it looks amazing, just wish it was an airport I would fly to.
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:12 pm

ATAvPilot wrote:To clear the air from jump street...Why?
Why not ?
From a technical standpoint it makes a perfect sandbox, surrounded by mountains. With the preformance issues that plague FSX you couldn't build a city like this in most areas and still have acceptable fps, and the FS9 version has outstanding fps with complex planes and all sliders maxed.
Martin has said long ago he makes stuff that is instersting and fun to him, that is why KLAX was never done but Dubai was.
to arrive at such a great representation of an airport, one must depart from either freeware in the region (give or take several payware that are not near the quality of FT) or from far away lands of which you would have to do a fuel stop at a freeware airport (lack of realism, following??
So you are saying that the only airports that FlyTampa should make need to be close to the other ones they've made ? What about Dubai or LOWW ?
and lets be honest...percentage of flight simmers that sit in front of their computer for 14 hours at a time enroute..no (or maybe they go do laundry or go to work...again lack of realism).
What about flights from Tawain, Japan, Bejing ?
Do you limit yourself to flights only at high quality add ons ?
The ability now to make whole cities if they chose is a ART, one that i feel would have been more welcomed into any real world active airport
Again, from a performance standpoint the number of places this is possible is very limited.
maybe i sound like i am ranting, well i am...My limited FS dollars might very well be directed elsewhere (KJFK maybe, i am from Buffalo KBUF so was wholeheartedly wishing for FT
So what you are really saying is you wanted KBUF or something close to your home base. I understand that, I want KSEA for FSX, but I'm not going to wish my life away waiting for it.
Posts: 43

Post by ATAvPilot » Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:35 pm

ok i concede, you have me thinking...
maybe all these years i have limited myself to just the local "bus route". Your right in figuring out what i was really saying with KBUF, i want it (who doesnt want their home airport, right?) TNCM, france VFR, right again. Performance issues, who can refute FT's abilities. I do generally (at least of late) attempt to piece flights together of high quality payware (why not) its awesome leaving and coming in to great scenery. That you can read between the lines so well, maybe you also figured out that i am really sitting here thinking to myself...Oh the torture of erasing 9D and re-installing FT (yes i will buy it, who that knows it exists on this level wouldnt?) i have a funny feeling that nothing short of re-install of fs9 will do the trick, not that it is a bad thing to do, just not fun. I also am a huge fan of AI (WOAI to be exact) so going about getting some traffic in there i guess another 5 hours of figuring it out 8) So, to contradict my orginal post, be assured i will purchase KaiTak, just as i did TNCM (very few of my flights take me down there).
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:43 pm

ATAvPilot wrote:ok i concede, you have me thinking...
maybe all these years i have limited myself to just the local "bus route". Your right in figuring out what i was really saying with KBUF, i want it (who doesnt want their home airport, right?) TNCM, france VFR, right again. Performance issues, who can refute FT's abilities. I do generally (at least of late) attempt to piece flights together of high quality payware (why not) its awesome leaving and coming in to great scenery. That you can read between the lines so well, maybe you also figured out that i am really sitting here thinking to myself...Oh the torture of erasing 9D and re-installing FT (yes i will buy it, who that knows it exists on this level wouldnt?) i have a funny feeling that nothing short of re-install of fs9 will do the trick, not that it is a bad thing to do, just not fun. I also am a huge fan of AI (WOAI to be exact) so going about getting some traffic in there i guess another 5 hours of figuring it out 8) So, to contradict my orginal post, be assured i will purchase KaiTak, just as i did TNCM (very few of my flights take me down there).
I felt the same way as you at first, so I was hoping I could get you to see the light so to speak. You made a good post, a little ranting is ok, we all do it, in fact I did it to you in my post. You've earned my respect for not being afraid to speak your mind, and more so for not being afraid to change your opinion.
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