Dubai Update?
I got the images, he sent the link over quicker than I thought.
The T3 airbridges look like fun to make (if you're in a position to grab a daytime image, that would help to get the colours correct (probably aluminium and dark blue glass, by the look of it). Those pictures in particular will be extremely useful.
I assume only the 2 double airbridges have that wrap-around section on the end.
Also, is Gamco actually gone? All their hangars (which MM lovingly logo-ed!) seem to have lost their signage. If ADAT subsequently put up signs, maybe you could let us know?
I notice on the charts that the new layout provides for 6 nose-in gates where the 5 Delta stands are right now. I saw on (or one of those aviation picture sites) a picture of a Kuwaiti Gulfstream parked at the end of the Delta stands, close to what I assume is an executive annex to the main terminal - is that what the 6th new stand represents, or are they squeezing in an extra nose-in airliner (that'll be fun, redrawing the ramp markings)?
Also, MM isn't going to make a big deal about anything north of a line midway between the old and new runways, because he wants this out within a couple of months (its already overrun by double the time he put aside - its supposed to be a "lite" scenery after all). If the young person he was trying to help (by giving him the continued development of this project, with the eventual possibility of him making it commercial) gets more ill, MM might have to stop the project for a while, and give some more direct support to them.
Thanks for the images, though. It looks as though most of the details are okay, or he guessed well with things like the fire station, but the T3 stands are going to be a fair old job of work (well, they'll be 2 basic types - one repeated twice and the other, I think, 7 times).
If you can get a daytime face-on of the T3 airside facade, that would be extremely useful. When he's modelled it, I'll post a screenie (either here or in an email) so that you can see whether he's close, or hopelessly wrong!
I'll be seeing the person you emailed tonight, apparently I can get your email address then, and we can take further questions away from Martin's support forum!
The T3 airbridges look like fun to make (if you're in a position to grab a daytime image, that would help to get the colours correct (probably aluminium and dark blue glass, by the look of it). Those pictures in particular will be extremely useful.
I assume only the 2 double airbridges have that wrap-around section on the end.
Also, is Gamco actually gone? All their hangars (which MM lovingly logo-ed!) seem to have lost their signage. If ADAT subsequently put up signs, maybe you could let us know?
I notice on the charts that the new layout provides for 6 nose-in gates where the 5 Delta stands are right now. I saw on (or one of those aviation picture sites) a picture of a Kuwaiti Gulfstream parked at the end of the Delta stands, close to what I assume is an executive annex to the main terminal - is that what the 6th new stand represents, or are they squeezing in an extra nose-in airliner (that'll be fun, redrawing the ramp markings)?
Also, MM isn't going to make a big deal about anything north of a line midway between the old and new runways, because he wants this out within a couple of months (its already overrun by double the time he put aside - its supposed to be a "lite" scenery after all). If the young person he was trying to help (by giving him the continued development of this project, with the eventual possibility of him making it commercial) gets more ill, MM might have to stop the project for a while, and give some more direct support to them.
Thanks for the images, though. It looks as though most of the details are okay, or he guessed well with things like the fire station, but the T3 stands are going to be a fair old job of work (well, they'll be 2 basic types - one repeated twice and the other, I think, 7 times).
If you can get a daytime face-on of the T3 airside facade, that would be extremely useful. When he's modelled it, I'll post a screenie (either here or in an email) so that you can see whether he's close, or hopelessly wrong!
I'll be seeing the person you emailed tonight, apparently I can get your email address then, and we can take further questions away from Martin's support forum!
One other question. In a couple of images online, there's what looks like a SSR (secondary surveillance radar) antenna on the south side, somewhere over behind the cargo village, but it isn't obvious on the satellite imagery we now have, and hardly any pictures show it. Was the antenna taken down (maybe we were looking at old images)?
If there's something rotating away in that area, we'd like to include it because anything that moves adds a little interest and makes the place feel a little more as though its real.
If there's something rotating away in that area, we'd like to include it because anything that moves adds a little interest and makes the place feel a little more as though its real.
MM is working away from home for a few months and might hand over the development to someone else that is housebound with an illness, as some kind of project that will let them focus on something positive, and maybe avoid depression etc. He's going to work in parallel to improve the textures and investigate other aspects of the scenery. He also needs to optimise his models and add LODs to help performance, so its a long way out yet.
I don't think he wanted me to mention the project but, if I hadn't, we'd not have had some impressive assistance from local people that travel through the airport.
He might hand it over completely to this other person depending upon how things go, both with progress on the project and the other person's illness. It might even be that the scenery gets a small fee and sold someplace, because the new developer can't work at all and it might help him to start to make a living from something, even if it isn't a great living. That isn't certain, but everything is "up in the air" presently.
Since I'm only making the landclass and helping someone else investigate ways to incorporate sound effects, I'm only in on a few details. Terminal 3 is built, using temporary textures for the present.
Also, MM is not connected to the web at home, so everything gets slowed down by that.
I don't think he wanted me to mention the project but, if I hadn't, we'd not have had some impressive assistance from local people that travel through the airport.
He might hand it over completely to this other person depending upon how things go, both with progress on the project and the other person's illness. It might even be that the scenery gets a small fee and sold someplace, because the new developer can't work at all and it might help him to start to make a living from something, even if it isn't a great living. That isn't certain, but everything is "up in the air" presently.
Since I'm only making the landclass and helping someone else investigate ways to incorporate sound effects, I'm only in on a few details. Terminal 3 is built, using temporary textures for the present.
Also, MM is not connected to the web at home, so everything gets slowed down by that.
It will probably be somewhere like Simviation that it will be hosted - nowhere else. It was intended to have ground textures for it but problems with the rights to use the images he bought, has forced the author to drop that idea. Since he was away for the past 6 months working in the USA (he lives in Italy) work also stopped. The version that comes out would have just the old airport, with basic buildings and a few cranes for the new area being built.airduwet wrote:Any update about OMAA? Im really excited bout the scenery...Excellent work there..when it gonna be release? where?
A friend of his would probably assume control of the project and push it further, perhaps as a commercial thing (there's a huge amount of work to be done). The version I've seen (and use) is amazing with the photo ground, but unless someone like Martin or another commercial scenery designer can lend advice on where to source inexpensive imagery, the photobackground is not an option.
No night lighting has been done yet (its very dark there at night!) and there are a few things that need to be done now that the photo is no longer an option (eg basic gate markings). There are also things that need doing such as the taxiway signs, re-doing textures that have the old gate numbers on them (the gates and taxiway designations are all different now) and also some redesigning of the older buildings (which I'm guessing he'll skip doing) because they are also being modified - eg an external walkway between T1 and T3, and flush glazing of the previously recessed windows at the top of T1.
Because he's going to be starting a degree course in February, I'm guessing that he will take it as far as he can in the 2 weeks of time he'll have available, and then have to release this cut-back version. I've had to learn how to make curved approaches (for the helicopters) using XML and may also need to make other parts of the project since the guy supposed to be doing that has gone to fly in real-world Kenya, Chad, and Sudan!

Mage...actually this early disember..i've been visit OMAA..guess what..2nd rwy already operate..and they already start construct to built new tower..i the way..keep up...might be have some patches after this 
Cant wait the scenery many % of completion you think? dont forget to upload in avsim also.. 

Cant wait the scenery

The second runway is presently only open for departures in VMC until the navaids are calibrated. Its also a very long taxy to get there (and can't happen in FS without closing the nearer runway for departures), so although the scenery has the second runway in AFCAD form (with each threshold at the precise geo-coordinates, no less) it is completely closed so that arrivals take place near the existing terminals.
I have images of the new tower going up - but the scenery will have that only in blocky form. The author won't have time to model the thing, and maybe not even enough to finish up the areas he'd like. There are also 2 fire stations out that way, and interesting buildings just outside the airport boundary, but they will be missing. This scenery will cover only the "old" airport with the T2 and T3 addons. And no nice photo ground as in the pictures, unfortunately.
And it won't be on Avsim or Flightsim, but Simviation (where he put Harare, Victoria Falls and Mumbai, if my memory serves). The others insist on a support email, which he can't do because he's not online at home! Since he got back home just a few days ago I would think he's not even looked at completing it yet.
As for how complete it is, well, counting just the old airport (which is his idea of complete) it was about half-complete with the photo ground. Now that the ground is not an option it is about 1/3 complete - because losing the photo option means drawing ground markings etc etc etc. Trouble is that he has maybe 2 weeks to get it looking presentable before he has to walk away from it (he's starting a full-time non-FS project at the start of February). Personally, the night lighting is the most critical part.
I have images of the new tower going up - but the scenery will have that only in blocky form. The author won't have time to model the thing, and maybe not even enough to finish up the areas he'd like. There are also 2 fire stations out that way, and interesting buildings just outside the airport boundary, but they will be missing. This scenery will cover only the "old" airport with the T2 and T3 addons. And no nice photo ground as in the pictures, unfortunately.
And it won't be on Avsim or Flightsim, but Simviation (where he put Harare, Victoria Falls and Mumbai, if my memory serves). The others insist on a support email, which he can't do because he's not online at home! Since he got back home just a few days ago I would think he's not even looked at completing it yet.
As for how complete it is, well, counting just the old airport (which is his idea of complete) it was about half-complete with the photo ground. Now that the ground is not an option it is about 1/3 complete - because losing the photo option means drawing ground markings etc etc etc. Trouble is that he has maybe 2 weeks to get it looking presentable before he has to walk away from it (he's starting a full-time non-FS project at the start of February). Personally, the night lighting is the most critical part.
Hi, Hamad -
Now that the ground picture cannot be used, the scenery needed extra work to bring the airport back up to some more interesting level of detail. Its amazing how much detailing a ground image lets you get away without doing, and how bare an airport can look without one. It is fairly close to being finished, I would say. the catering centre needs doing (and its important because it fronts onto the cargo area and also onto the old Delta stands (now 301 to 306 since all the stands and taxiways are renamed or renumbered). There are still about 20 modelling tasks to do - various vehicles, some people (perhaps) and a few extra ground markings, approach lights, so sometime in late April is likely. Before then it has to go to some beta testers (team already chosen) for about 2 or 3 weeks, and Jim Vile is looking at rewriting the approaches for MM at my request. With the new runway at AUH, the designators are changed and all the approaches are therefore "broken", and Jim is working his magic to fix them again.
Also MM is presently in hospital and so nothing is happening at this moment.
As you can see, not quite so special without the ground picture.
A380 gates

Cargo Terminal extension

Corner stripes - made using AFCAD

General daytime from over T3

Abu Dhabi aviation area.

These don't reflect the present state completely, because obviously little things get added as time goes by - for example the first of the 5 shows striped bollards by the jetway "plinth" and the 4th picture was taken before those were added (there are even more now). With a lack of the ground picture (to distract people) a few more small details are necessary to give some sense of place.
Now that the ground picture cannot be used, the scenery needed extra work to bring the airport back up to some more interesting level of detail. Its amazing how much detailing a ground image lets you get away without doing, and how bare an airport can look without one. It is fairly close to being finished, I would say. the catering centre needs doing (and its important because it fronts onto the cargo area and also onto the old Delta stands (now 301 to 306 since all the stands and taxiways are renamed or renumbered). There are still about 20 modelling tasks to do - various vehicles, some people (perhaps) and a few extra ground markings, approach lights, so sometime in late April is likely. Before then it has to go to some beta testers (team already chosen) for about 2 or 3 weeks, and Jim Vile is looking at rewriting the approaches for MM at my request. With the new runway at AUH, the designators are changed and all the approaches are therefore "broken", and Jim is working his magic to fix them again.
Also MM is presently in hospital and so nothing is happening at this moment.
As you can see, not quite so special without the ground picture.
A380 gates

Cargo Terminal extension

Corner stripes - made using AFCAD

General daytime from over T3

Abu Dhabi aviation area.

These don't reflect the present state completely, because obviously little things get added as time goes by - for example the first of the 5 shows striped bollards by the jetway "plinth" and the 4th picture was taken before those were added (there are even more now). With a lack of the ground picture (to distract people) a few more small details are necessary to give some sense of place.