Next airport by flytampa...

Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:23 pm

Awol wrote:
skydvdan wrote:
drmiller21 wrote:I am not trying to be argumentative. I use to work at KGEG and I have always wanted to see it in the Sim. I currently use Andrew Nirenians KGEG for flight Sim 2002 and it is good but a professional version would be better any way thank you for the replay's.
So bring on the source imagery!!

I'll bite. I've got'em. No aerials though. :-(
Okay then. Your best bet for getting an airport done is to have hundreds of photos of the airport that you want done and then send them to the developer. The easier you make it for a developer, the better your chances are of your airport getting done. As for you FSX guys, you're kind of out of luck.
Posts: 45

Post by Awol » Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:22 pm

So I can just send them megabytes of photos? That'll be a surprise for them :shock: :)
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:00 pm

Depends on who you send them to. Send FlyTampa an email, let them know what you have and I'm sure they're let you know if they are interested. If not try the same thing with Imaginesim.
Posts: 1

Re: Next airport by flytampa...

Post by golli » Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:52 pm

airbuslove wrote:I think that the best airport will be in Asia...Hong kong,or Beijing because you made many airports in North america, and when someone will fly with Boeing 747 he can´t fly between Seattle and San Francisco but i think that better is the airport in asia or europe.. 8) ..I am from czech republic so i´m sorry because my english isn´t so good..... :?
Good day simmers. My first post here, but by far not my first time here :)
I'm am a proud owner of many FlyTampa airports; US Airports and Vienna(Aerosoft releases) and Dubai And St. Marteen + the fabulous Boston by George.

I'll have to agree with the original poster (thread starter) that major Asian hubs are needed, and if FlyTampa were to waste time on small local airports, it would be a MAJOR waste of talent and resources (let Imagine$im do the smaller US airports :wink: )

Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi major airport VTBS, is an airport that automatically springs to my mind, for the FlyTampa talented team. The look of it resembles Dubai airport in so many ways that I have been dreaming of a FlyTampa version of it. Just look up pictures of both and see for yourself.

Kuala Lumpur Intl. WMKK, is one of the newest major Asian hubs and it sure is pretty :D Only FlyTampa could do it justice

Hong Kong Intl. VHHH, is another example that is SORELY absent from Add-On offerings. Cl..d9 have been wanking around for close to 3 years, pretending to offer it, without as much as one screenshot to show for it!!?? And I bought the Flight$oft's version of VHHH, some 2 years ago and I have not seen any add-on developer, before or after, make a WORSE rendition from the default offering!! (it is a research study all in itself why Flight$oft decided to offer it, let alone charge for it).

Sydney Kingsford Smith YSSY!! how come no one has done that one?? (besides one freeware offering).

Sam$oft has devloped Shanghai, Singapore and Taipei, although some years ago and far from todays and FlyTampa standards.

Japan has numerous offerings, Overl@nd springs first to mind with a complete coverage of Japan. Europe is swamped with quality offerings followed by USA (Canada is lacking though).

The decision to develop Dubai OMDB, is a masterpiece and the development itself is a masterpiece!! So a reach to the east, from there would be the most logical choice, as real life airlines are doing and would surely be jumped at by all the VA's of the world.

This is how I see FlyTampa's time and talent put to the best use.
For Crying Out Loud, even the original TampaIntl. is on par with some of the best efforts out there today. And no one can TOUCH St. Marteen.

Posts: 1

Post by PAA001 » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:27 pm

Everyone here is looking at MAJOR hub airports...

I would like to suggest somthing completely different...

Rather than making a package with only one single major airport, I would like to see FlyTampa make a scenery package that includes a few smaller airports.

i.e. a package that has Teterboro (KTEB), Farmingdale (KFRG) and another CLass Delta Airspace in there general vicinity.

I think that there is enough emphasis on large Class BRAVO airspaces.
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:54 pm

PAA001 wrote: I would like to suggest somthing completely different...
Wow, that's completely different than any suggestion that I've heard before. :P
GabyBee wrote:I was thinking, instead of making a whole new ginormous airport, why not build on the surrounding area (like flightscenery PVD or PDX) of the current FT library. For instance, KBOS has several airports in close proximity. The Boston metro area is also very poorly modeled in FS. KBED Hanscom Field is the second busiest airport in New England in terms of aircraft movements (general aviation and bizjet mostly) and is also partially used by the USAF. There are also smaller general aviation airports in Norwood, Lawrence, and Beverly.....
I love sarcasm!!! :twisted:
Posts: 8

Post by DJMilo101 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:41 pm

Anyone ever consider ATL. FlyTampa would make a killing if they sold scenery for ATL.
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:02 pm

DJMilo101 wrote:Anyone ever consider ATL. FlyTampa would make a killing if they sold scenery for ATL.
Nope never heard that one before either...not that you've never asked before. :twisted:
DJMilo101 wrote:I have a whole VA who would love to have some KATL scenery. It is the number 1 airport in the country. Please, please, please, make it. I fly for Delta Virtual.
american101 wrote:Well lets hope we finally see the following airports this year:
FLL (long overdue)
MEM (I still don't understand why this airport has never been done)
RSW (would be nice)
ATL (updated needed)
moms the pilot wrote:Hey guys who d'like FT to design a new KATL or KORD scenery (I ll prefer kord ) as one of the last sceneries for fs9 or to be one of the first good addon for fsX ?
bumbulbi wrote:Only simflyers made KATL, am i'm not a big fan of it... :-( , it is the busiest airport in the U.S!!!!
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:48 am

Am I the only one here that gets the feeling that Martin is cooking up something sinister (in a good way) in the lab since TNCM came out? While we are all here requesting our JFKs, ATLs, etc. and the request killers have been doing just that; killing requests/ requesters, the captain of this ship has been relatively quiet (which to me means he's working) and only popping up to solve the issues of customers with serious scenery problems.

So I wonder what the hell you've got brewing for us all there Martin. I don't expect an answer but I really can't wait for those first set of preview shots. I know they will be awesome.
Posts: 118

Post by tbmavengerstuka » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:04 pm

If I was Martin, Id be kickin back have a beer while fishing or something. Not to give any ideas to the FT crew, but I'd be takin a well deserved break right about now.
Posts: 11

Post by paolom3 » Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:30 pm

Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:04 pm

tbmavengerstuka wrote:If I was Martin, Id be kickin back have a beer while fishing or something. Not to give any ideas to the FT crew, but I'd be takin a well deserved break right about now.
Absolutely!! Finally the voice of reason!! :D
Posts: 118

Post by tbmavengerstuka » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:49 pm

Absolutely!! Finally the voice of reason!!
Glad someone else feels there is a world outside of flight simming.

Right now, I'm learning flight at the University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, and as much as I would like to see KCMI (my new home airport) done by FT, I just remind myself that I see it about 4 times a week when I actualy go flying.

And being the college student I am, I'm gonna go have a beer now. Keep up the good work FT crew.
Posts: 77

Post by flysiu » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:06 pm

A fellow Illinois aviator, I'm a Saluki myself.

If your looking for MCI, IS just released it, and it is very impressive and not too shabby on the frames...

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