Update to my YSSY GSXv2 file located -
Update -
https://drive.google.com/file/d/16JWG0w ... sp=sharing
Foxtrot Parking bays:
Updated the Bay Stop points to better match the Saab 340 acft type used by REX
Updated start position for bay F7 to match real world.
F4,5 & 6 Updated to allow GSX to work when using the A bays for Rex S340 acft type
Tip - No pushback required from the A bays, so do not use the pushback option
Domestic Gates:
44/44A, Added 3rd pushback option for acft to be pushed back on to TWYG Tail west.
ACFT type A330 parks in bay 44,
ACFT type B737 must be moved to Start point 44A. This will allow other AI or online acft to park into Bay 42
45/45A - Please ensure that when using this gate with acft B737 you slew into the A bay before using GSX this will prevent non-normal pushback when using the 737 option. This will also allow other AI or online acft to park into Bay 43 without conflict
Gate 11 - Amended pushback sequence
International Gates:
Gate 30 - Amended Pushback stop point to prevent acft being pushed into the terminal
Gate 51 - Amended Pushback stop point to prevent acft being pushed into the terminal
Gate 10,24 & 25, Pushback stop point located at Gate9
Gate 24 - Added pushback option for acft type B737/A320 which parks at this gate as well.
Cargo Bays:
Parking 1,2 & 3 - update pushback point for RWY ops 34L/R & 16L to start of A1 taxiway