Update & new plans

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Posts: 3

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Alex-RUS » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:46 pm

1.Phuket VTSP :D
2.Helsinki EFHK
3.Prague LKPR
Posts: 105

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Silverbird » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:09 pm

martin[flytampa] wrote:
Silverbird wrote:Hello Martin thanks for insight again I didn't mean no harm with my post as I love both you and George's 3d and texture work, I never claimed it was fs9 and saved as dxt1? yes I admit my knowledge is very limited but to be honest I'm puzzled by your post you guys are honstly one of the best in the whole fs business.
Sorry, didn't mean to imply you said that. I was referring to a moronic post about spec&bump in another forum. Since you brought up the bump mapping, I assumed you had read that post.
Hello Martin its ok no worries just been reading on the stuff that been on the x-plane blog I did run into the topic you mentioned and just realized how my post sort of got caught in the middle.

Something similar happened to me with George and Athens a few months back when I posted something I thought was gonna make some guys happy and it ended up being someone started bad mouthing and hating flytampa Athens.

As I very much respect and admire the work you guys do here and the other developer I just suck and writing and post things at the wrong time sometimes I just like to know more about the guys that do this work since I was always interested in 3d work and textures and what goes on behind the scenes but didn't have the talent and skills for it or patience for it. so my apologize to you Martin I promise I will think more before posting something thanks for your hard work and everyone on your team.
Posts: 8

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Fabian » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:22 pm

Hi Martin,

thank you for your wonderfull virtuel destinations. And the next one after Montreal should be

1.) "Seychelles International Airport."
2.) "Johannesburg International Airport"
3) " Phuket International Airport"

I`m looking forward to see one of tose three.


Posts: 10

Re: Update & new plans

Post by jean-claude » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:49 am

CYUL please, we badly need more detailed airports than just Toronto in this big and beautiful country up North, hopefully CYVR will follow some day in the future...

Posts: 12

Re: Update & new plans

Post by awf » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:11 am

Helsinki EFHK
Prague LKPR

Thank you sir ;-)

Posts: 22

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Thralni » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:22 am

Montreal, good to hear it's being done. I have always been interested in flying to Cuba, but there is virtually no US traffic to and from Cuba (hell, there is hardly traffic to Cuba...). Canadian airlines are almost the only North American airlines to fly to Cuba, so I'm very happy. My second vote would have undoubtedly been for Helsinki EFHK. The free add-on is getting extremely outdated now for FSX, even in FS9 it looks old.

Good luck with Montreal, looking forward to that one!
Posts: 1

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Victor1 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:00 am

Phuket would be nice as it is surrounded by a beautiful environment and it's lovely to make an approach (runway09) over the water. It's location is ideal for flights to Changi airport (WSSS) and Suvarnabhumi airport (VTBS).

Thanks for mentioning it in the list George!!
Posts: 126

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Dillon » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:03 pm

Great job on Athens but the big question I'm wondering is why no developer wants to tackle

Auckland Intl...
Posts: 37

Re: Update & new plans

Post by Applejacks628 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:36 pm

MidgeyMidget2 wrote:
Applejacks628 wrote:I'd probably make a decent drill sergeant.
Aha...ahahaha..........ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, it was definitely those stern words that shut everyone up. Man you are tough.
Alex, jump out a goddamn window. :wink:


Back on topic, wish you all the best on your CYUL George. Based on Athens' quality, I'm sure that this scenery will be amazing :wink:
Posts: 27

Re: Update & new plans

Post by 1021744 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:35 pm


I'm very happy that FlyTampa is making Montreal CYUL, like most people said Canada lacks in quality scenery. I hope also that FS9 comes first beacause most poeple here in Canada use FS2004 even if it's very old. I'm sure to buy CYUL the day it comes out for sure! I tihnk all Canadians will buy it as a big thank you.

For those who want to see Toronto CYYZ I would go ask Aerosoft.

****For those who did not know about CYVR -http://jgabbert.wordpress.com/ - It should be out soon, how soon don't ask the guy is a real life pilot in Manitoba.

George, you did not make a bad choice on chosing CYUL. It will sell very easily. (if it's at a reasonable price of course) 8)
Posts: 402

Re: Update & new plans

Post by newmanix » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:46 pm

That's so funny!!! I have really been wanting the Spokanne since I last flew up there. I know FlightScenery was planning it for their FZ03 but it never happened... Why are you not planning to do it?

Anyway, Ruzyne is one of my fav airports in Europe. Been there a few times myself and have been waiting for the longest time for it!! The freeware one is nice but we really need a quality payware version. I think it will sell well also because of all the GAP airports in the area and we are starting to see more airports pop up in Eastern Europe also. I vote Prague. Helsinki is my second vote. Montreal would be third, we need more airports in that area and goot flying time from JFK and BUF. Actually make Montreal my second choice since there is already a Helsinki with AES.

Phucket would be fourth but i'd still buy it because even though it's ugly, you George and your skills can make anything look good. And it's a good stop gap between Singapore and Bangkok. All payware airports with AES. Here is a funny billboard.

But there is no airport I want more then Prague.
EDIT: Okay, i'm looking forward to FlyMontreal!! Thanks George!
Phucket.jpg (61.59 KiB) Viewed 10563 times
Last edited by newmanix on Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 52

Re: Update & new plans

Post by duco » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:48 pm

For those who want to see Toronto CYYZ I would go ask Aerosoft.
i dont know about that. Mathijs is always bitching about actually going there to take pictures and thats too far or something. thats why they dont make any us or canadian airports. I never understood that reasoning, i dont think martin of George travel to all the airports they make. and look at the quality they produce. I for one am hoping cyyz gets made in the future by flytampa, depending on how the cyul sales go.
Posts: 402

Re: Update & new plans

Post by newmanix » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:00 pm

duco wrote:
Sorry, didn't mean to imply you said that. I was referring to a moronic post about spec&bump in another forum. Since you brought up the bump mapping, I assumed you had read that post.
ahh yesss, i was wondering if you guys would react to that. found it quiet gutty by the developer.....

Yes and I backed up FT over there. I really, really like the technique FT uses.
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Re: Update & new plans

Post by george[flytampa] » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:27 pm

Thanks newmanix. I might do Spokane some other time. I doubt Prague will be free much longer.
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