Flight Simulator 2020

Posts: 14

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by DFWSupertrooper » Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:48 am

simpilot2450 wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:04 pm
Gridley wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:25 pm I'm hoping for a FlyTampa KBOS for MSFS2020...
I am hoping for a FlyTampa KBOS for MSFS 2020 too!!!!! Any rumors?? I can't believe that a major airport like KBOS isn't being offered.
I am certain they're working on it, as well as LGAV, but they are being very hush hush...I would love to have KBOS with the new CRJ next week, but I seriously doubt they're that close.
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Posts: 3868

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by george[flytampa] » Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:11 pm

KBOS will be next in-line after ATH. ATH has been completely rebuilt due to its age. It's taking a little longer than the usual msfs conversion. We have extra developers working on it, so hopefully it will be done in 3-4 months.
BOS on the other hand won't need much extra work so should be out fairly quick. Both will be out this year.
Posts: 14

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by DFWSupertrooper » Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:00 pm

george[flytampa] wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:11 pm KBOS will be next in-line after ATH. ATH has been completely rebuilt due to its age. It's taking a little longer than the usual msfs conversion. We have extra developers working on it, so hopefully it will be done in 3-4 months.
BOS on the other hand won't need much extra work so should be out fairly quick. Both will be out this year.
Thanks for the update George! Both will be nice additions to my library!
Posts: 32

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by pchitkara » Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:20 pm

What about AMS, from what it sounds, wont be out this year?
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Posts: 1626

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:33 am

AMS will be out for P3D and MSFS around the same time this year
Posts: 8

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by Dervakon » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:01 am

Hi, I would like to know if CYUL and CYYZ, will be out this year?
Posts: 46

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by rsvette12 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:44 pm

KBOS Please thanks much :)
Posts: 15

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by EasternT3 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:57 am

Dervakon wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:01 am Hi, I would like to know if CYUL and CYYZ, will be out this year?
This was recently posted on another thread.

Amsterdam, Toronto, Athens are in late development for MSFS.
Corfu and Boston are coming a bit later

Hopefully we'll see CYUL, TNCM and others next after the above 5
Posts: 2

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by Belthorian » Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:48 pm

Dehowie wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:38 pm With a platform with utterly horrendous aircraft whats the point?
I fly simulators for the “aircraft” to maintain currency, prepare for sim and enjoy myself.
I use scenery to enhance that experience but its all about the aircraft.
I own P3D, xplane and msfs.
I was one of the early alpha testers then beta testers Asobo ignored finally releasing the “game” in the disgraceful state it was on day 1 and little better today.
Its going to be at least a year until we get the “first” decent aircraft and even now P3D is catching up but light years in front from a simulation view.
If the devs like FT think people will buy sceneries to accompany garbage aircraft with terrible characteristics thats good for them.
The best scenery still doesnt improve the games terrible flight model and the huge delays all are facing due to MS failing to allow access to core sim areas means we are stuck with crap aircraft until at least early/mid 22.
Msfs has turned into an xbox game no more no less.
Im sure the hundreds of thousands want to invest in scenery like accurate Amsterdam so they can use an xbox controller to wizz around in a super cub.
Ill be sticking with aircraft that you simulate with...not play.
One day say in 2 years msfs might be worth using. But given P3D is rapidly gaining, has the best aircraft(airliners)ever released and is using DX12 allowing far more advanced lighting etc than msfs who knows where xplane and P3D will be in 12 months way before the first decent aircraft in msfs will be available.
Then you have xplane still a better option than msfs and P3D for GA and im sure Austin wont be watching the huge negative reaction to msfs but noting the admiration for its scenery/environment.
Time move quickly in software and msfs has put a ball and chain around its foot with DX11 and its security concerns stifling development.
Msfs has rapidly turned into a white Elephant from a serious simming viewpoint and it may never recover given Asobo stabbed everyone in the back with false claims about scenery quality, weather depiction, flight modelling and aircraft.
Interesting to see if the flood of xbox users low expectations can sustain high value addons.

I get what you are saying but the vast majority of flight sim players are not actual pilots. Myself for example, I could not tell you what a good or bad flight model for say a Cessna 152 is because I have nothing to base it on. I have played flight simulator since Flight Simulator 2 on my Atari 800 but I was a jump in, fly around and look at stuff and get out player. Just recently I have taken an interest in learning the simulation side. Cold starting an aircraft. Communicating with ATC for taxi and runway instructions and clearance. Flight planning both VFR and IFR. Trying to learn the systems of the aircraft, etc. For people like me Microsoft Flight Simulator is the best option because in a lot of places it looks so real. I fly the Icon A5 95% of the time because for an inexperienced sim pilot it is a simple and easy aircraft to learn to fly. I will probably move on to the 152 and then the 172 eventually.
Posts: 4

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by iidOgfish » Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:52 pm

george[flytampa] wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:11 pm KBOS will be next in-line after ATH. ATH has been completely rebuilt due to its age. It's taking a little longer than the usual msfs conversion. We have extra developers working on it, so hopefully it will be done in 3-4 months.
BOS on the other hand won't need much extra work so should be out fairly quick. Both will be out this year.
Is Boston still expected in 2021 for MSFS?
Posts: 337

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by trisho0 » Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:51 pm

In a few months, it will be two years since MSFS came out, they still haven't finished it, probably won't finish it. It will be a simple arcade game with beautiful cities, but not a simulator.
Patricio Valdes
Posts: 4

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by iidOgfish » Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:20 pm

trisho0 wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:51 pm In a few months, it will be two years since MSFS came out, they still haven't finished it, probably won't finish it. It will be a simple arcade game with beautiful cities, but not a simulator.
Patricio Valdes
This is such a bad take on the state of the flight simulator community. With add-ons/developers like Fenix Sim's A230, PMDG, and Aerosoft, Microsoft Flight Simulator IS the future of flight simulation. By the way, the two-year anniversary is in 8 months which is still a lot of time. I think a lot of people (like you) are just upset how much money you dumped into X-Plane or P3D that you are in denial that you'll have to spend the money again for MSFS.

Yes, MSFS needs time to perfect its systems (they're currently far from it), and allow for a more flexible SDK for developers. MSFS is actively doing this to help developers easily bring over/build new products for MSFS.
Posts: 32

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by pchitkara » Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:35 am

I put in a lot of money in FSX over time but one needs to look ahead and that where MSFS is the future with contemporary platform that is ready to exploit advances in technology. It is inherently complex in terms of technology breadth - how many sims use AI for terrain generation using satellite imagery? Weather and other integrations may be in their infancy but at least a beginning has been made.

They are relying on the 3rd party ecosystem to get advanced airports and study level aircraft that interact with the environment to actually make it as real as it gets. It is a huge undertaking that will need time and patience on everyone's part.

On that topic, ballpark dates for EHAM? 😃
Posts: 1

Re: Flight Simulator 2020

Post by AndreMP » Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:45 am

emilios, will it be possible to acquire more of your sceneries through ORBX? I just bought Athens through them and since the release of MSFS, I have bought pretty much everything through them since their APP is one of the best, if not the best out there.

Happy new year,
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