Sydney v1 - Dynamic Lighting kills performance in 4K

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Posts: 17

Sydney v1 - Dynamic Lighting kills performance in 4K

Post by RayP » Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:29 am

HI chaps,

Intel i7-8086K @ 4.6Ghz, 1080Ti, 32" 4K display and 32Gb RAM.

Sydney v1 is able to maintain 30fps if I turn off all the 'moderate impact' options. I was able to taxi my Lear25 all around the airport to Rwy 16R and fps stayed at 30. But as soon as I taxied onto the runway the stuttering started and fps dropped significantly.

I turned off Dynamic Lighting and fps were restored to 30 and no stuttering. Is there a known problem with DL in 4K? I had the same problem at Bilbao by ORBX but only in 4K. When I switched briefly to 1920*1080 it was fine. Obviously I don't want to drop resolution so DL off even in daylight is required.

Is this something others have seen and is a more powerful graphics card the anwer? I'm reluctant to move to v2 now that I have v1 sorted.
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