Changed the date to October 30th -> grey ground
Changed to November 2nd -> black ground
It´s the whole November - on 1st of December everything runs perfect

Enjoy flying to Vienna!gambetti wrote:never had a better LOWW in my sim
Can confirm that.alerion13 wrote:When you change it to fall you are in September and it does work, when you change it from there to November there are the black ground textures again, it seems only to effect November during daytime
Same here.alerion13 wrote:tried it with HDR off and it doesnt work either
Did you approach LOWW in November?gambetti wrote:I just wanna say "Thank you"! The kind guys of FlyTampa provided a new P3Dv4 installer for me upon special request and I installed the new version into my P3Dv4 - works perfectly! The problem with the black runway textures seems to be fixed ... never had a better LOWW in my sim ... appreciate it, thanks Martin!
Yes, wait until Friday 1st December and all will be back to normal. For some reason it didn't want to display textures in November.tosco92 wrote:hi guys i saw today loww and my time on my p3d v4.1 but after putting the updates that i found on the v4 forum i shows me all the ground also to me all black, solutions?