Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes [v1]

Posts: 56

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by atco » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:21 pm

stevefocus wrote:AI aircraft landing on 06 never seem to use S2 exit, they either taxi to S3 or turnaround and exit S1, any chance of a fix?
S2 is not designed to be available as an exit from 06 for a couple of reasons:
1: Only the smallest types would exit there in reality anyway because its so close to the touchdown zone
more significantly
2: Traffic that did exit there would hit that corner with A, B, R and Q and create traffic jams and head to head conflicts. That corner would become a right mess with 2 way traffic, so it was designed more or less to be a one way system through there. By forcing traffic to vacate further down it gives the default AI system a fighting chance to work out the conflictions and taxi routes.

So it's not something that needs to be fixed as such as it was a conscious choice to forgo and exit there for AI.
If you have AI landing on 06 and turning around to exit at S1 then you have some very messed up AI flight dynamics, nothing at all should be landing in the touchdown zone and stopping before S2. Anything touching down properly and rolling out properly, even small turboprops should be much closer to S3 than S1 when the engine decides which exit to take. In all my testing I didn't see a single aircraft land on 06 and backtrack to vacate at S1.
Posts: 63

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by stevefocus » Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:32 pm

atco wrote: S2 is not designed to be available as an exit from 06 for a couple of reasons:
1: Only the smallest types would exit there in reality anyway because its so close to the touchdown zone
more significantly
2: Traffic that did exit there would hit that corner with A, B, R and Q and create traffic jams and head to head conflicts. That corner would become a right mess with 2 way traffic, so it was designed more or less to be a one way system through there. By forcing traffic to vacate further down it gives the default AI system a fighting chance to work out the conflictions and taxi routes.

So it's not something that needs to be fixed as such as it was a conscious choice to forgo and exit there for AI.
If you have AI landing on 06 and turning around to exit at S1 then you have some very messed up AI flight dynamics, nothing at all should be landing in the touchdown zone and stopping before S2. Anything touching down properly and rolling out properly, even small turboprops should be much closer to S3 than S1 when the engine decides which exit to take. In all my testing I didn't see a single aircraft land on 06 and backtrack to vacate at S1.

Thanks for the response, what traffic program are you using? I am currently using UT Live, obviously your traffic package seems better if your not having that problem.
Posts: 56

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by atco » Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:49 pm

Ah my traffic is 100% custom made manually using various flightplans, models and paints from the AI community.
I do it all the old fashioned way by hand manually editing txt files and so on. Much more work but a million times better in my opinion than the pre-packaged AI programs that are out there and almost entirely free to boot!

You can however edit the aircraft.cfg files to get your AI to take a bit longer to roll out, you can change the reverser strength and braking effectiveness. I've also edited most of my aircraft gross weight values to be a bit more realistic, so takeoff roll, climb out performance and approach and rollout are far more realistic.
I don't have the exact values to hand that you have to change but there is a lot of good info out there on aircraft.cfg parameters and it's pretty easy to do.
Posts: 1

vì sao 2 usd may mắn ?

Post by tienhinhconcho2018 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 10:18 pm

Mỗi khi dịp Tết cổ truyền ở Việt Nam tới, người ta lại lì xì cho nhau những tờ 2 đô la.

Mỗi khi dịp Tết cổ truyền ở Việt Nam tới, người ta lại lì xì cho nhau những tờ 2 đô la, trong khi loại tiền này lại là tiền tệ của một Quốc gia phương Tây. Điều này thật đặc biệt, nhưng theo quan niệm đã tồn tại từ lâu, chúng ta lại coi đó là tờ tiền may mắn để mừng tuổi nhau trong năm mới.

Giai thoại kể rằng, năm 1976 tại Mỹ xảy ra một vụ tai nạn máy bay nghiêm trọng, mọi người trong chuyến bay đều thiệt mạng, chỉ có một người đàn ông duy nhất sống sót, khi cứu được ông người ta thấy trên người ông còn duy nhất một tờ 2 đô la, và họ cho rằng chính đồng 2 đô la này đã mang lại may mắn cho ông khi đối diện với tử thần. Từ đấy, đồng 2 đô la năm 1976 được xem là đồng may mắn nhất. Những đồng 2 đô la thuộc các năm khác cũng có những dấu hiệu tương tự: 2 đô la năm 1917,1928 được quan niệm càng cổ càng may mắn gấp bội, 2 đô la năm 1963 in dấu mốc đỏ - biểu tượng của may mắn.
Posts: 63

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by stevefocus » Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:55 am

atco wrote:Ah my traffic is 100% custom made manually using various flightplans, models and paints from the AI community.
I do it all the old fashioned way by hand manually editing txt files and so on. Much more work but a million times better in my opinion than the pre-packaged AI programs that are out there and almost entirely free to boot!

You can however edit the aircraft.cfg files to get your AI to take a bit longer to roll out, you can change the reverser strength and braking effectiveness. I've also edited most of my aircraft gross weight values to be a bit more realistic, so takeoff roll, climb out performance and approach and rollout are far more realistic.
I don't have the exact values to hand that you have to change but there is a lot of good info out there on aircraft.cfg parameters and it's pretty easy to do.
Thanks for the response will have to look into that, shame devs of traffic packages don't edit the aircraft files themselves before launching a product.
Posts: 17

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by RayP » Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:08 am

I have the 1.1 update installed for EHAM in P3D v3.4 but have noticed Rwy 09/27 does not show in Electronic Flight Bag map.

I checked the properties of 09/27 using ADE and both ends of the runway are closed for take-off and landing. Am I alone in having this problem? That runway is open in the real world surely?
Posts: 444

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by Er!k » Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:16 am

Hello Ray,

The runway system of EHAM is very complex and cannot be put in one single AFD. FlyTampa has provided several options via the Configurator. Here you can also use the option 'always open' which opens all the runways including 09/27.
Posts: 17

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by RayP » Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:25 am

Thanks Erik. I found the solution in another thread and have now chosen All Runways in the configurator. 09/27 is now available. Many thanks. :)
Posts: 1

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by DeborahBer » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:23 am

its true
Posts: 42

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by simsuper80 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:25 am

i cannot for the life of me prevent ai from landing on 24 when using the south ADE
Posts: 107

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by big_al » Wed May 16, 2018 12:00 pm

simsuper80 wrote:i cannot for the life of me prevent ai from landing on 24 when using the south ADE
are both ends of 24 closed not just 06 open and 24 closed you have to do the same for both ends of a runway
Posts: 221

Re: Amsteram ADE/Afcad Notes

Post by BoazDK » Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:08 am

Amazing work!! In my experience, dealing for many years with Heathrow, I often succeed quite well using more than 5 codes in the ADE.

Some places I have 10+. and it still favors the parking.
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