FPS low

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Posts: 60

Re: FPS low

Post by fakeflyer737 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:15 pm

I agree it really pisses me off too. I don't even use AI and it seems like a lot of people are having the same problem. Good luck FlyTampa with EHAM, that place is horrible for FPS, free/payware or just using an AFCAD update.
Posts: 10

Re: FPS low

Post by Tinosky » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:25 pm

Hi there,

After more investigation, looks like the issue lies somewhere within the terminal itself. I did a total new install of FSX. Ran my tweaks and loaded the default Toronto. Getting 45 - 50 Frames (Steady). That's with the PMDG 737.

Now, I install FlyTampa YYZ with all features disabled and only get about 10 - 12 FPS at the gate. No AI no features. I ONLY get this FPS drop when the terminal comes into view. The other parts of the airport are a steady 25 - 30 FPS. Which is highly acceptable.

I hope you guys can take a look at whats causing this. It's a shame it can perform the way other scenery's do. Are you able to look at the terminal itself? Seems that many people are having the same issues as I am.

Posts: 1

Re: FPS low

Post by Bron3185 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:44 am

Hi, I am also having very bad frame rates, single digits when flying over the terminal buildings using the lite texture pack. Running a 4790k with 780ti. I hope a fix can be found, this is my first Fly Tampa scenery and may be my last.

Posts: 60

Re: FPS low

Post by fakeflyer737 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:50 pm

I have the same EXACT problem as well, its when I look at Terminal 1 ( I think its 1) that my FPS drop like hell, I just dont get this, I thought FSDT YVR was bad...this is much worse. I have no AI, Lite Texture, AG is way way down and it doesn't matter it just drop like 15FPS when I look at the Terminal, I even have the Libraries Disable and used the Shader Fix for the windows. I really hope they're looking into this and not leaving us High n Dry.
Posts: 24

Re: FPS low

Post by asadkamal » Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:54 am

I am assuming no luck here in finding the issue ?

Augusto Sposito
Posts: 1

Re: FPS low

Post by Augusto Sposito » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:56 am

In addition to the problems of low frames with traffic, I had problem OOM, the problem that started from Copenhagen scenario.

My setup:
Prepar3D v2.5 (Last Hotfix)
I7 4790k 4.8GHz
16GB DDR3 1600
Seventeam 750W
SATA 3TB (Dedicated to P3D)
HD 1TB SATA (System)

Even using the medium P3D settings without many buildings and trees, it generates the error OOM. :o

There is solution to this? :-(
Posts: 4

Re: FPS low

Post by Fabberj » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:23 am

My setup:
Prepar3D v2.5 (Last Hotfix)
I7 2600k 4.6GHz
32GB DDR3 1866
GTX 980
Corsair 850W
SSD 240gb x2 Raid 0 - System and P3D

I have very low fps ... 13 ... 15 !!!
what your secrets ?
Posts: 24

Re: FPS low

Post by asadkamal » Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:19 pm

Any luck for any body on this issue ?

Asad Kamal
Posts: 47

Re: FPS low

Post by clocki » Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:13 pm

For me it's the same as prescribed. I have a quite good system with a i5 4670k 3,40GHz and a GTX 770 2GB. But I'm getting with the 777 something between 14-21fps but they are not feeling smooth. They are feeling like stutters and like low frames.
Even in outside view it's not that stable but it's a bit better with 21-24fps.

I use no AI traffic as I fly online on IVAO. And the 777 is the airline I fly for longhauls (British Airways,Air Canada). I did not test the Aerosoft AXE but I guess he will be better on performance.

I guess the problem is with the terminals or something which is in the area. of Toronto. Very sad we have such a good quality addon which is not that flyable for long hauls.

Hope someone will find a decent solution, my flight for tomorrow will now be canceled and I will fly the 777 from London to another place. Maybe CYUL or even OMDB which has (much) better perfomance.

Posts: 5

Re: FPS low

Post by Jetspaul » Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:43 pm

Any word on this issue, really anxious to be able to fly here. YYZ is unflyable for me at this point, even with everything running on minimum settings.
Michael Moe
Posts: 50

Re: FPS low

Post by Michael Moe » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:52 am

i actually manage to stay above 20fps all the time yesterday(mostly around 23-28fps in VC) doing som testflight into RWY24R. The Approach can freeze below 1000feet and its not the sound loading into PMDG777 because i have set that at "selective" in the PMDG Sound FMC menu.

There is no freezing to ILS05. Happens all the time to runway 24 on my system.

The VAS is ok for this area. I have around 700MB to spare from a saved flight after landing. (hopefully enough for long hauls)

Scenery complexity is set to Very Sparse leaving the city out.

It also help running at 4,8GHZ. I also gain an extra FPS and some heat on Core 0 if i switch AM on and off in windows task manager. The Temp on Core 0 drop 5c on my system doing so.

FTX Vector: VAS usage was up to 280MB using only highway and main roads in this area. Not for my system :?

Michael Moe
Posts: 10

Re: FPS low

Post by Tinosky » Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:57 pm

Hey Fly Tampa,

Any update on this issue? Any information regarding a future patch? There is something with the terminal buildings which is causing my FPS drop. As I mentioned, I have all options deactivated, settings set on sparse etc. Would like to get an answer regarding this one.

Thanks for your time.
Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Re: FPS low

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:30 pm

Tinosky wrote:Any update on this issue? Any information regarding a future patch? There is something with the terminal buildings which is causing my FPS drop. As I mentioned, I have all options deactivated, settings set on sparse etc. Would like to get an answer regarding this one.
If you have the time to test please temperately remove the files:

cyyz_terminal1_glass_opaque.bgl (or cyyz_terminal1_glass.bgl)
cyyz_terminal3_glass_opaque.bgl (or cyyz_terminal3_glass.bgl)

Now check if and how much FPS gain you get from this. Note there will be no terminal buildings, only jetways and possibly vehicles and small objects. I can see if it is worth the effort of making a less detailed version of the terminal buildings, but so far I only had one user report back and he said there was no gain from removing the terminals, which is the same result I get myself.
Posts: 10

Re: FPS low

Post by Tinosky » Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:57 pm

I will get back with the results shortly.

Thank you,
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