St Maarten Screenshots

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Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by george[flytampa] » Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:57 pm

gforce202 wrote:Could you please tell what other add-ons are being used? The water looks amazing. Just trying to get that same result :)
FS Water config. It's listed in our recommendations listing found here..
Kent in Brooklyn
Posts: 2

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by Kent in Brooklyn » Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:57 am

I recently had a computer crash and reloaded Fly Tampa-St Maarten. Very nice update, it looks terrific.

While I was loading the files I got a dialogue box telling me that FSX could not be found so that I needed to find the root folder, which I did and it appeared to load fine.

Then, at the end of the installation I got another message saying I needed to add the files into a folder named "Fly-St Maarten" (I am paraphrasing), but when I checked my scenery files, everything was there and everything seems to work fine.


The only problem I am having is I don't have runway marking at SBH. I combed through this forum and the read-me document, but I still don't have any runway markings there.

EDIT: When I'm static, all is fine at TNCM, but as soon as I start moving I'm getting heavy flickering.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

A little info:

1. I'm running Windows 7 /32 (it's a Dell laptop)
2. I have FSX
3. I ran into some trouble when I downloaded some other scenery and when I start up I am getting messages telling me there is an error in the cfg files in areas 006 and 110 (again I'm paraphrasing)
4. I am not running any other add-on to FSX (outside a few downloaded planes, all freeware)


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Posts: 5288

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:25 pm

Check your scenery Library under FSX Settings. See if FlyTampa-Maarten is listed there on top and that it isn't listed more then once. Not to be confused with the "StMaarten" entry, which is default FSX and should remain intact.
Kent in Brooklyn
Posts: 2

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by Kent in Brooklyn » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:54 am

I checked my scenery library and FlyTampa-Maarten only appears once and is at the top of the list, followed by the default St.-Maarten scenery. Then, in third place is FlyTampa-Libraries.

Then there is a list of default FSX sceneries, followed by a long list of "bases." At the very bottom I see "Default Scenery" followed by "Default Terrain."
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Posts: 5288

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:31 am

sound like the scenery library is ok. Not sure what else the problem might be, please post a screenshot for me to look at.
Posts: 25

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by jlunddk » Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:40 pm

Is there any chance that you will make a St.Marten rebooted? With all the changes that has been made to the runway extension (new markings), heliports and a new general parking at the end of RW 28, the new bridge, the caravanserei hotel and lots of other hotels, buildings outside the airport coverage, I figured that it would be great for an up to date of my favorite airport/island. I'll buy the first round in Sunset bar to all the developers then :-)
Posts: 1

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by ki4jyi » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:42 pm

I've installed and reinstalled FlyTampa Maarten package and still don't have the "Libraries" entry in my scenery library. Could this be the reason St. Maarten isn't showing as installed in AESHelp? I'm trying to activate it in AES and it keeps telling me it's not installed, even though it clearly is installed and working great. How do I get the St. Maarten "Libraries" entry installed? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Ok, I got the "Libraries" entry installed but AES still won't recognize it as installed.
Posts: 272

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by Delta777 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:25 am

I see your point that most of these features won't work in FS9, but would it still be possible to see at least a limited version of this Update for FS2004? Same goes for the LOWW update v2.5.
Posts: 11

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by JubeMason » Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:55 pm

martin[flytampa] wrote:St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

New version: Dec 03. More P3D fixes.

Removed old TNCM Terminal, added new Ramp "C".
Re-modeled and re-textured SABA airport terrain.
New higher-res ground detail Textures (TNCM).
Updated Aerial Ground Textures (TNCM).
Improved Maho Beach Texture.
Improved volumetric grass.
Updated 3D People.
Added custom IK Jetways.
New Runway Lighting.
Improved AI Ships compatibility.
Added compatibility for Prepar3D2.
Improved compatibility with DX10 Preview Mode (Steve's DX10 Fixer Required).
Includes all previous Updates (Runway 10/28 etc).

The downloads below are V1.5 Full-Installers and will require that you input your original Serial Key. Any legit Serial will work, even if you purchased TNCM for FS9 six years ago. If you have an older version of TNCM currently installed, removing it should not be necessary unless you renamed or moved the TNCM folder around (Addon Scenery/FlyTampa-Maarten).

[St Maarten Complete (TNCM, TFFJ, SABA) ... P3D_17.exe

[St Maarten (TNCM only) ... P3D_17.exe
What does IK Jetway's mean?
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Posts: 5288

Re: St Maarten Version 1.7 (FSX & P3D2)

Post by martin[flytampa] » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:09 am

JubeMason wrote:What does IK Jetway's mean?
jetway that moves with default shift-J.
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