I use a payware utility by FSPS called Multicore Environment to launch FS9. The utility allows you to designate which core your applications will run. As I understand it, if you manually force your system to run an application in a particular core you have to do this each time you start your computer. Multicore does it automatically when you launch FS9. My sense is that it helps but I have no bench tests to prove it. It is not an expensive utility, about $10 as I recall.tupolev154 wrote:I have a computer pretty close to what you are using. (Intel Core 3 instead of 2 but don't think it makes difference).
As the other person wondered, it could be true that FS could run better, but who knows, computers are strange sometimes. My computer is not really loaded of junk and works fast. However one thing that may make a difference... Are you using anti aliasing or anisotropic filtering?
Another kind which may (or may not) come to mind is the installation size, if there's a lot of addon airports and airport planes, FS will take longer to load, maybe slower too?
Thanks for the core tip too, and for anybody wondering how to assign cores etc, google is full of tutorials on how. There might even be programs for it... What's funny is that my computer seems to use all 4 cores when using FS9... Either I'm extremely lucky or have a bug.
I have just under a 1000 addon airports/terrain files on my setup but I haven't noticed any performance degregation because of this volume. For sure it really slows down the lauch of FS9 but I suspect not as much as the huge number of AI aircraft I have installed. For me the AI aircraft are almost as important as the scenery because it is what adds action and life to the airports. It is an integral part of the scenery in my opinion. With this volume of airports, and the importance I put on AI traffic, you know why I have carried on with FS9! -- the huge investment I have made over the years in airports, and it has been commented in this forum that large volumes of AI traffic at large airports in FSX is a real performance killer. I think I am at a pretty good sweet spot with my set up of FS9.
Yes, I use anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering but I can't tell you right now my settings (I am on lunch break at work) which I set outside FS9. The settings were suggested to me from a friend who hired a consultant to set up his system (we had identical computers).