Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Posts: 402

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by newmanix » Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:44 am


Give it a rest. You are not bringing any new discussions to the table then has already been discussed and addressed here over, and over, and over, and over... Do a forum search. The inital novel you wrote here and subsequent responces to other members is total overkill and absolutely unnecessary. Do you think the developers are not capable of deciding what scenery is best to produce before spending money and time developing it? Do you think you have a super lightbulb that no one else has thought of? Your origional post deserved a "WTF NOOB?" comment. But I was kind to leave it at WTF :?

If you are so damn smart about this then develop your own scenery.

Btw relevancy is not a word. The correct word is relevance. You'd think your book publisher would have caught that along with the painting water quip...WTF?? :? a far fetched analogy if ever I heard one...

You would have been better off just doing your research and making your request. Something we rarely get to do here without getting ripped on.

So, in responce to your complaint regarding my inital responce to your lifes memoir, was this responce articulate enough for you?

Welcome to the forum.
Posts: 8

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by gabrielbasco » Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:48 pm

Well yeah, now that you two fucking trolled, hi-jacked, and raped the post of an open-discussion, it's pretty much dead. Assholes.

"Do you think the developers are not capable of deciding what scenery is best to produce before spending money and time developing it? Do you think you have a super lightbulb that no one else has thought of?"

Again, I wasn't thinking of imposing any personal "super lightbulb" on them, just wondering what others are looking for in their collection of sceneries.

"If you are so damn smart about this then develop your own scenery."

Flattering statement but yet again, not my intention.

Something we rarely get to do here without getting ripped on."

Oh, so it's a transference deal. You don't like getting ripped on about something and yet you rip on me. Got it.

The analogy, though far-fetched, did help to see what I was talking about. You still missed the "other" part of what I was looking to discuss.

Really though? I just wanted to open a discussion and you guys straight trampled it. Damn. That is some craziness in retrospect... a post for discussion and instead I get attacked for it because it's in-depth and certain people find certain things I typed as just a reiteration of other things said (though, this topic I actually find little of, if any, elaborate discussion) instead of expanding on it. There is a warranted "WTF" response for that bullshit. :)
Posts: 218

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by yankeesji » Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:00 pm

I wouldn't take it so personal. Most guys in this forums are assholes, but generally it's for fun. If you go from forum to forum in the FS world, it's all the same 20 jackasses with the same answers, questions, and ideas. So as I said, don't take it so personal and just enjoy it and dish it back. :D
Posts: 1235

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:16 pm

gabrielbasco wrote:Well yeah, now that you two fucking trolled, hi-jacked, and raped the post of an open-discussion, it's pretty much dead. Assholes.

"Do you think the developers are not capable of deciding what scenery is best to produce before spending money and time developing it? Do you think you have a super lightbulb that no one else has thought of?"

Again, I wasn't thinking of imposing any personal "super lightbulb" on them, just wondering what others are looking for in their collection of sceneries.

"If you are so damn smart about this then develop your own scenery."

Flattering statement but yet again, not my intention.

Something we rarely get to do here without getting ripped on."

Oh, so it's a transference deal. You don't like getting ripped on about something and yet you rip on me. Got it.

The analogy, though far-fetched, did help to see what I was talking about. You still missed the "other" part of what I was looking to discuss.

Really though? I just wanted to open a discussion and you guys straight trampled it. Damn. That is some craziness in retrospect... a post for discussion and instead I get attacked for it because it's in-depth and certain people find certain things I typed as just a reiteration of other things said (though, this topic I actually find little of, if any, elaborate discussion) instead of expanding on it. There is a warranted "WTF" response for that bullshit. :)
Not my problem you can't take a joke. If you didn't take a simple joke so personally, we wouldn't have had this little hooplah.

But, to culminate how I feel about this entire thread:
Posts: 402

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by newmanix » Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:20 pm

Joe, damn that picture made me laugh my ass off.

Gabby, relax OMG!! Incase you haven't realized, no one is really interested in what you had to say. That's the bottom line. Midget and I did not make your topic dead. It was dead at birth, that's why no one else joined the dicussion. If you had figured that out you would have understood the true meaning behind the responces you got. Try posting your topic in another (less freedom of speech) forum and see what real responces you get. And btw, forun ediquette dictates people don't like to read long posts unless it comes from someone reputable like a publisher, developer, or highly respected member which you clearly are not, not, and not. We got your point it was just too long winded. Now how about throwing in your airport request to George. After all that you wrote and research, I am curious what your request would be.

And BTW I did get a huge laugh reading the responces here so I thank you for that! :D

Last edited by newmanix on Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 218

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by yankeesji » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:02 pm

Now this is getting good...See, even a shitty post can turn good by the time it ends.

Posts: 402

Re: Next airport. Which void to fill? *BIG*

Post by newmanix » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:10 pm

yankeesji wrote:Now this is getting good...See, even a shitty post can turn good by the time it ends.

WOW!! :shock:
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