Most of the older FlyTampa sceneries do not have alpha-less DXT3 textures, but some of the more recent do have several. KBOS for example and KBUF. At KBUF this results in a noticeable loading lag (the initial loading of the sim for example). Once the textures have been "fixed", the lag is gone.
If you want to test this out for yourself, the offending textures are:

Image Tool is used to check out all textures, DXT3's with Alpha: None are noted, then DXTBmp is used to simply resave the file, this adds the missing alpha. If the original had mips, the option in DXTBmp to include them when saving should be checked. File size should remain pretty much the same, 1.33MB for example.
There's plenty of reading material on the AIG Forums, but for members only, non-registered visitors can't read it. So if you want to know more, you'd have to sign up. Or just ask here.
I wanted to bring this to your attention, so future FlyTampa sceneries can be like the older ones, free of alpha-less DXT3 textures. Icing on the cake.