by Luca » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:31 pm
Bodo Mueller wrote:Given there is currently NO usable payware Kai Tak scenery on the market
What?? The FlightSoft Kai Tak Scenery is excellent and works very well for me in FS9.
You are a bit outdated, are you? Are you living on the moon?
No mesh,no landclass,hundreds of frame-killer eod objects,poor airport,no words for mountain,only 4-5 flat photo on ground (repeated hundreds time)no scalable performance...it is an fs2000 scenery.
I can't get more than 12fps with default cessna,no filter,all minimum,on my 3400+.
But maybe i'm going in a wrong turn:so give me your fps on IGS13 with your 742RFP please...
However i have to say that it has a great set of photoreal textures.

by Guest » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:32 pm
i still vote for koak or ksjc
- Posts: 15
by Dehowie » Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:45 am
Well Bodo any respect i did have for you just went straight down the toilet.
The flightsoft Hong Kong scenery has major texture flashing problems with everyones who i know as can be seen quite easily at any of the forums it is mentioned.
Not to mention is FS98 style mesh which looks like it was dragged out of a timevault!
It was even pointed out in one of the reviews with sceenshots showing the urban texture running out covering the harbour
I'm not sure why youd be asking for a new KLAX if you are happy with Flightsofts VHHH as i would have thought you would be in ectasy over the default FS9 version because its ten times better.
From some of your comments here you have done your standing in the community no good whatsoever and no doubt from your one eyed attitude toward anything other than what you want it seems that you are a pretty selfish sort of guy.
Pretty dissappointing from someone who i held pretty highly after your work on RFP.
As i said above we have asked the guys if the concept of a good Hong Kong scenery would be worth persuing and the may or they may not.
I am happy to live with whatever they end up doing and i'll be happy to get whatever great scenery they continue to produce.
If you prefer to say anything else stupid i would be happy to carry it on off board rather than embarrass myself in public which you have managed to do pretty well so far.
by Guest » Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:19 am
Kai Tak would be very cool. Cooler then LSZH. The Kai Tak versions available at the moment are all not really usable. The flightsoft version messes up the whole region you can't get rid of that ugly water and hills and the rest is still at FS98/2000 level.
So a FlyTampa Kai Tak would be my absolute favorite

Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee consider to do it.
by Guest » Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:57 am
Hi, I think this has been said before, but just in case:
Please do Kai Tak
First Time Visitor
Bodo Mueller
- Posts: 74
by Bodo Mueller » Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:10 pm
Dehowie wrote:Well Bodo any respect i did have for you just went straight down the toilet.
Oh poor Americans. I think "respect" is kinda luxery for them mesured on what this country does with the world.
The flightsoft Hong Kong scenery has major texture flashing problems with everyones who i know as can be seen quite easily at any of the forums it is mentioned.
I clearly said that I do not have these problems. I have no flashing at all. Other people might use any landclass or mesh scenery which can effect this area and cause such problems. I bet, if you install this scenery into a clean FS9 you won't have any problems. Before you say there is no usable payware scenery you better should track down your idividual problems before you bash a product.
At least for me this scenery is nicely done with a lot of lightning details at apprach, custom runways and more. Since Thomas Kwong released his Chep Lap Kok I do not fly into Kai Tak anymore.
Eric Thornton
by Eric Thornton » Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:30 pm
Oh poor Americans. I think "respect" is kinda luxery for them mesured on what this country does with the world.
Bodo sinks to a new low! Pull up! Pull Up! My god man, do yourself a favor.
What does being American or the foreign policy have to do with this?
Since Thomas Kwong released his Chep Lap Kok I do not fly into Kai Tak anymore.
Apparently Hong Kong residents were not too thrilled with Bodo's performances hauling rubber duckies into & out of Kai Tak.

by Guest » Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:14 pm
KOAK please the other people are never gonna get it out!!
- Site Admin
- Posts: 5288
by martin[flytampa] » Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:22 pm
Bodo Mueller wrote:Oh poor Americans. I think "respect" is kinda luxery for them mesured on what this country does with the world.
I wrote it once before after this comment:
Bodo Mueller wrote:as you have nothing else than cheese and clocks in your country, or what is switzerland else good for?
Again: I do not want to see generalized insults of this kind against anyone in this forum. Next one will result in a ban.
- Posts: 15
by Dehowie » Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:43 pm
G'day Bodo(Hint Hint)
Well i'm not an American but i feel for them after a comment like that.
I am quite glad you could at least this time say something that wasn't insulting.
All the people who i know of have issuse with the VHHH scenery due to conflicts between it and the FS2002/2004 scenery.
My version of FS9 has NO mesh or ay other addon in that area as is the same for at least three people i know of with the same problem of the textures extending out into the harbour causing flashing etc and no one has come up with a solution even after hours of mucking around trying to make it work.
I agree Thomas's VHHH is a great addition but like 99% of airports around the world offers none of the site's or challenges involved with a Kai Tak arrival.
I can understand that you may not want a new Kai Tak scenery and thats fine by me but i have a problem with you actively campaigning against anyone who does.
I'm not sure whether its because you just can't fly the 13IGS properly and therefore have no interest or some other issue.
Whatever it is as you can see here already there is quit a bit of interest in a new version of Kai Tak and if you don't like it well i'm afraid thats to bad.
If Flytampa decide to do a new Hong Kong everyone wins as i personally think it would sell well and the sim pilots get back the greatest challnge for a heavy driver around.
They make money,we get Hong Kong,everyone is happy(Mmmm maybe not you?).
As a real world 717 pilot and a beta tester for 2 companies i get nothing out of straight in ILS approaches and i look for a challenge from FS9 to test myself against and Kai Tak was pretty much the toughsest.
If you arn't up for the challenge of the IGS when the wind blows and the vis is back at a couple of k's you are missing out on the greatest feature FS has to offer.
Darren(Who's not an American)
by Guest » Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:49 am
yeah like i siad they will never get it out. the last time they talked about was back in october
by Guest » Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:33 pm
yiihaaaaa Kai Tak, in FlyTampa Quality! That would be the best scenery add on 2005 for sure!
Go Go Go for it! I would buy it (even pay before release)!
by Guest » Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:34 pm
Dehowie wrote:challenge of the IGS when the wind blows and the vis is back at a couple of k's
Guest wrote:even pay before release
i agree at all