Kai tak and Hong Kong a possibility?


Post by Luca » Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:21 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Bodo Mueller wrote:It does not make sense at all to do a an airport which does not exist anymore. Kai Tak is closed for several years and the runway has been broken up.
when the 747-200 will die,are u sure you will never fly it thorugh FS? :)
Bodo,this is simulation,so it is reasoning fly in that wonderful airport,despite its absence in reality.

i wasn't a guest,sorry.
Posts: 15

Post by Dehowie » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:44 pm

"It does not make sense at all to do a an airport which does not exist anymore. Kai Tak is closed for several years and the runway has been broken up"

Strange line that one Bodo i must say.From that line i'd say none of us should be permitted to fly any aircraft which no longer fly.I'd say that would include Pan Am 747-200's and almost the full list of the Ready For Pushback line as the 200 is these days almost relic.

Kai Tak is an airport which will live in the minds of many people not just simmers.There are many pilots like myself who never had the oppurtunity to fly into the legendary airport.Clearly one of the most dangerous airports in the world and not just the turn at the bottom.
Often with strong NE winds requiring the use of Rwy 13 and the IGS the proximity of large hills and numerous buildings is ever pilots nightmare.
Gusty 20-30Kt breeze blowing over the hills to the North causing shear and turbulence and then throw in the normal vis at night of 3000-4000m and you have a combination of conditions like no other anywhere in the world.
The only place evn close is Madiera but it normall doesn't suffer from low vis,high winds all at the same time.
Let it be clear that there was no other airport in the world like Kai Tak despite wha you may hear about similarities to approaches at other major airports around the world.
None come close to the combination of terrain,obstacles,weather and wind to make for one of if not the the most dangerous approaches which ever existed for large commercial aircraft.
Id say almost everyone at some point wants to test their skills and there is no better place to fly in and out of for that than the airport of the nine Dragons.
Bodo Mueller
Posts: 74

Post by Bodo Mueller » Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:10 am

FlightSoft has a reasonable Kai Tak Scenery with all the buildings around.

Martin and George should spend their time for more important airports which really need to be done like KLAX.


Post by harpsii » Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:29 am


KLAX is also done ... why to do the same airports all the time?


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:01 am

Bodo with the freaking KLAX again. Yawn.

Zurich is the way to go. :twisted:
Posts: 26

Post by truthknown » Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:53 pm

Lets get KLGA out first then worry about whats next. LGA is way overdue IMHO... CANT WAIT FOR LGA!!!

Post by CHUUK » Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:49 pm

I agree, if anyone could do Kai Tak justice, it would be FlyTampa. If the developers of FlyTampa need any information on Kai Tak, I feel I can provide a load of info, technical diagrams from HK Civil Air, etc.

Post by Guest » Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:22 pm

there are thousands of informations about kai tak and there is already a good scenery for it! why do you need another one?

every week we have ten or 20 guys that deserve an airport because they don´t have that one! I also want oporto ... and lisbon ... and maybe zürich and brussels and geneva and amsterdam and basel and charles de gaulle ... and well, let me see ... a good copenhagen, one for dublin, one for beirute, and well, why not one also for bordeaux ... and it would be very very nice to have all portugal fotorealistic and europe and usa and the whole FS :P

in conclusion: I want everything as all we want ... but we have to wait and to follow the schedule which is seattle and la guardia :P


Post by Luca » Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:57 pm

Anonymous wrote:there are thousands of informations about kai tak and there is already a good scenery for it! why do you need another one?

every week we have ten or 20 guys that deserve an airport because they don´t have that one! I also want oporto ... and lisbon ... and maybe zürich and brussels and geneva and amsterdam and basel and charles de gaulle ... and well, let me see ... a good copenhagen, one for dublin, one for beirute, and well, why not one also for bordeaux ... and it would be very very nice to have all portugal fotorealistic and europe and usa and the whole FS :P

in conclusion: I want everything as all we want ... but we have to wait and to follow the schedule which is seattle and la guardia :P

no no,this is a particular thing,a special thing.kai tak stay on another level,on its level.all the other airport could be all you want,but kai tak is one and only.
Posts: 15

Post by Dehowie » Sat Jan 29, 2005 2:26 am

It seems all the interest in Kai Tak is ruffluing a few feathers and that is not the reason for starting this topic.
If FlyTampa choose to do a Hong Kong scenery then it is good for all of us and i really see no reason for the negative attitudes being displayed by people who i respect in the simming community.
If the posters above had bothered to read my original post they would have realized that the currect scenery for the old VHHH is either rife with problems including diabolical texture flashing problems making the scenery virtually unusable and terribly ugly or riddled with FPS issues.
Obviously there are some agenda's other than what is good for the simming community in general at play here but i have no idea what they may be for people to display such a negative attitude about doing a scenery for one of the worlds most legendary airports.
As for when Flytampa may want to do it well hey they havn't even said they are!!!
If they choose to do a version of Kai Tak which they may very well not then it is up to them not us to determine if and when it may come out.
Ilook forward to seeing all future releases from Flytampa and not just the ones i am interested in as i can understand some people may want a new KLAX despite the fact that its already well detailed in FS9 and another well known scenery producer has one on the market and there are some excellent freeware releases around to enhance the default scenery.

Given there is currently NO usable payware Kai Tak scenery on the market and the freeware ones are for those who like FPS greater than 10 are also unusable this is the reason we asked IF Flytampa would be interested in doing one as we felt only they could do it the justice it deserves given the skills they posses.
That is why we asked the question plain and simple.

There are some great airports in the world that deserve the detailed treatment from these great designers and with luck we will get them eventually.
Hopefully everyone can be happy with Flytampa selling heaps of Kai Taks and we get the best scenery ever for the most challenging airport ever for heavy pilots.
Cant wait to see KLGA.
Posts: 2

Post by vulcan » Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:27 am

Well said Darren
Bodo Mueller
Posts: 74

Post by Bodo Mueller » Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:33 pm

Given there is currently NO usable payware Kai Tak scenery on the market
What?? The FlightSoft Kai Tak Scenery is excellent and works very well for me in FS9.

You are a bit outdated, are you? Are you living on the moon?


Post by Pancho » Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:27 am

Bodo Mueller wrote:
Given there is currently NO usable payware Kai Tak scenery on the market
What?? The FlightSoft Kai Tak Scenery is excellent and works very well for me in FS9.

You are a bit outdated, are you? Are you living on the moon?
And what about you? Smoking crack? You of all people Bodo... :x

The flightsoft KT scenery is not excellent nor does it work very well, so to claim otherwise is ridiculous. :D
Eric Thornton

Kai Tak

Post by Eric Thornton » Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:31 pm

Hey guys,

Wow, I'm thrilled to see the Kai Tak legend lives on. Long live Kai Tak & the fragrant harbour!

I don't see how anyone could be against a FlyTamp Kai Tak scenery, hell... maybe it could be included with a Chek Lap Kok package? Or how about the worlds most dangerous approaches scenery pack?

Here's an old movie of mine of the Kai Tak IGS 13 approach, you can stream it if you want:
FS2002, POSKY in old CX livery and Thomas Kwong scenery (IMHO still the best for Kai Tak and it's really old!!)
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