positiv (+e

Hello Guys,
I presend you an groupflight from St. Maarten (TNCM) to Amsterdam (EHAM) at 21th May, 2007 (this Saturday!)
We are currently eight Pilots and I hope we were more than now

Here are details:
Departing Time at St. Maarten (TNCM):
1230 UTC
Arrival Time at Amsterdam (EHAM):
2230 UTC (00:30 Middel European Time)
Currently Pilots:
- Chris Mason
- Roland Groebl
- Hendrik Horeis
- Marc Läderach
- Stefan Eising
- Henner Zwarg
- Marcel Feldweg
- Timm Rehberg
- you?!
Our currently route:
PJM 2260N 3250N 4140N 4630N 4920N BEDRA UN491 GUNSO UM197 GAPLI UN20 SAM UR8 MID UM185 CLN UL620 ARTOV L620 REDFA
In following countries I have requested ATC for the Time how we were there!
- St. Maarten (Ground, Tower, Apprach/Depature, Center [kann für nichts garantieren da es zu der Zeit noch Früh am Morgen ist)
- New York Oceanic
- Santa Maria Oceanic
- Shannick Oceanic
- London Center (oder alternativ - Eurocontrol West)
- Amsterdam (Center, Approach, Tower, Ground)
TNCM (FlyTampa *hot*) - http://www.flytampa.org/
EHAM (NL2000 *freeware *hot* / Cloud9 *very hot*)
- http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/
- http://www.fscloud9.com/php/home.php?lang=EN
So I´m sorry for the english but...german boys (15 years)

I hope you came with us!
The event is planed on the online network:

More informations: www.vatsim.net
Please advise when you came with us!
Bet wishes,
Timm Rehberg