Attention ILS approach

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Posts: 2

Attention ILS approach

Post by Enzzo » Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:32 am

I have performed the ILS approach to runway 29 LOWW and noticed the wrong position Initial Approach Fix. According to the approach chart IAF is situated on an altitude of 3000' MSL and D7.4 OEX. However, in the sim GS runs 3,000' on D9.4(7.4+2) OEX . I opened the airport in ADE and saw that the DME beacon offset relative to the GS.


The calculation of the offset coordinates gives about 2 nm. Disable scenery LOWW brings everything back to normal.
I have not found reports of a similar problem on the Internet. This suggests that I have something wrong with the installation. But I very rarely have problems with the installation.
Tell me, please, how it should be in the scenery? If so, how do I fix it?
Sorry for my English.
Best regards.
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