Search found 4 matches
- Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:59 pm
- Forum: FlyTampa-LasVegas
- Topic: Las Vegas Preview in Prepar3DV4
- Replies: 230
- Views: 325001
Re: Las Vegas Preview in Prepar3DV4
this is how it looks here enjoy :) approach.JPG strip2.JPG Will the Roller Coaster work on top of the Stratosphere ????? Will Simmers be able to play at the Craps tables and WIN Money ??? Lastly, most importantly , will the Hott Chicks be around the Strip, because without the Hott Chicks, I ain't i...
- Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:45 am
- Forum: FlyTampa-LasVegas
- Topic: Las Vegas Preview in Prepar3DV4
- Replies: 230
- Views: 325001
Re: Las Vegas Preview in Prepar3DV4
LOOKIN Good !! I'll be needing this Airport soon for my Flights out of KLAS to various points to the South Pacific regions , and back to KLAS again. All I need when I arrive back in Las Vegas are the following : Good Food Drinks Few SLOT MACHINES that actually PAY OFF and couple Hott Chicks and the ...
- Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:52 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: I can only Dream of it !!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2891
I can only Dream of it !!
I can only Dream someday some Quality scenery / Airport Developer will make these Airports of decent Quality ! (KPSP) and this Intl. Airport too !!! (KSLC) one day who knows when tho !!
- Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:09 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Poll - FSX or FS9?
- Replies: 150
- Views: 131531
Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?
FSX Gold / Acceleration is what I use. htt...