Search found 6 matches

by dal4215
Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:24 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-LasVegas
Topic: Vegas performance in MSFS is horrible
Replies: 20
Views: 15301

Re: Vegas performance in MSFS is horrible

Agreed. When sitting at the airport in the cub, I get 10fps. Around the city is 17fps. Once I remove the airport but leave the city in the folder, it's a smooth 35+fps at day and night. Sim settings are mixed between Ultra and High. But no change when doing MSFS default high settings. And only runni...
by dal4215
Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:27 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: For those who have been waiting for SLC, heres your chance
Replies: 2
Views: 2379

Re: For those who have been waiting for SLC, heres your chan

A bit shallow there, eh? It's a simulator... And in the simulator most of us enjoy a challenge along with good scenery. RNO offers neither whereas SLC has both. And as for the RW, SLC is less than 50% Mormon these days. To each his own 8)
by dal4215
Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:03 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: For those who have been waiting for SLC, heres your chance
Replies: 2
Views: 2379

For those who have been waiting for SLC, heres your chance

Hey guys, I don't post here often as I mostly just browse the forums. I hope this is not frowned upon here but FlightBeam is offering a poll for us to vote what their next scenery should be. SLC is included and is behind by 4 votes. We have been waiting for a great SLC scenery for too many years and...
by dal4215
Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:18 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Update & new plans
Replies: 392
Views: 355861

Re: Update & new plans

Came across this about SLC. Don't get me wrong, I like developers that make what they want, but this one would make some serious dough... :wink:
by dal4215
Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:46 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Update & new plans
Replies: 392
Views: 355861

Re: Update & new plans

I like the ideas that you come up with Fly Tampa, however my alter ego does not agree. Why did you guys want to lean more to toward Europe and Asia? I know someone will not agree with what I say but how about Salt Lake City? I wonder when its time will come when this can be made. I live in Florida ...
by dal4215
Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:12 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Update & new plans
Replies: 392
Views: 355861

Re: Update & new plans

Thanks for the update I am sad to say that I would purchase none of these on the list I fly in the US only I would love to see some of the following -MCO -SLC -IAH -DCA -DEN -SNA Thanks Sean I'm only skipping the US for this next project. After that if there something in the US I can find that is i...