Search found 17 matches

by mgr
Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:37 am
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Update for St. Barths (TFFJ) BETA testers needed
Replies: 1
Views: 5058

Update for St. Barths (TFFJ) BETA testers needed

Hiya, With approval of Martin (of FlyTampa) i've a little project to update the beautiful and challenging airport of St. Bath (TFFJ, as incl. in the complete St. Maarten packet). For this i need some people how can help me with testing the modification and also with for example the installation inst...
by mgr
Sat May 30, 2020 1:16 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: TFFJ updates
Replies: 9
Views: 8728

Re: TFFJ updates

Hi Martin,
martin[flytampa] wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:52 pm TFFJ and SABA are currently getting redone for the 3Dv4 versions. I don't know if these updates will be backported to FSX tho.
In version 2.0, Saba was updated, any word or status on the update of TFFJ?


by mgr
Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:22 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Amsterdam
Topic: FlyTampa_Amsterdam V2?
Replies: 26
Views: 23040

Re: FlyTampa_Amsterdam V2?

5. Martinair decals removed from Hangar 32 Also, Bombardier decal removedfrom H4. Seems a new "Martinair" logo is still visible at the airside of hanger 4. (Or is this the original, now the Bombardier overlay is removed).
by mgr
Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:09 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Amsterdam
Topic: FlyTampa_Amsterdam V2?
Replies: 26
Views: 23040

Re: FlyTampa_Amsterdam V2?

Hi, Hope that the update mainly focus is on the "airside" and area's used in major part by pilots, also online on VATSIM/IVAO. Personally (and lot of other online pilots) prefer a update on the GAT terminal area (Schiphol East, K-apron). Would care less or the Yankee, Uniform, Mike buffer ...
by mgr
Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:10 am
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: St Maarten 2.0 (Prepar3D V4)
Replies: 42
Views: 92358

Re: St Maarten 1.9 (Prepar3D V4 only)


Seems you used the information i send to update Saba.

Would have been nice IF you every responded on the several mails i send about that... :?

As this is still a "legacy" product, hope you also update it for FSX. 8)

Kind regards,

by mgr
Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:51 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: TFFJ updates
Replies: 9
Views: 8728

Re: TFFJ updates

Hello Martin, TFFJ and SABA are currently getting redone for the 3Dv4 versions. I don't know if these updates will be backported to FSX tho. Did you get my e-mails and info on Saba? +1 for also a updated version for FSX. Thanks for considering and please let me know about the e-mails. Marcel PS. Spe...
by mgr
Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:32 am
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Taxisign bug, lot's of Charlies!
Replies: 4
Views: 3925

Re: Taxisign bug, lot's of Charlies!

Hello Martin,
martin[flytampa] wrote:Got your email, its archived in my TNCM work-folders for later...
Thanks for considering! You know St. Maarten, Barths and Saba have a special place in my Flightsim hart 8) Not only mine i think if i see the traffic on for example VATSIM.


by mgr
Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:22 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Taxisign bug, lot's of Charlies!
Replies: 4
Views: 3925

Re: Taxisign bug, lot's of Charlies!

martin[flytampa] wrote:Attached file goes into /FlyTampa/StMaarten/scenery/

That should fix the signs.

Great service!!! (Hope to got my e-mail about Saba?).

by mgr
Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:00 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Taxisign bug, lot's of Charlies!
Replies: 4
Views: 3925

Taxisign bug, lot's of Charlies!

Hiya, Just noticed, so don't know if it is since version 1.8 or also present in earlier versions. Yet the taxisigns for taxiways, Foxtrot, Echo and Delta say... Charlie . See picture below: Hope there will be a fix. Thanks. Marcel
by mgr
Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:51 am
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Small request for future update (St. Barths)
Replies: 1
Views: 2723

Re: Small request for future update (version 1.9??? ;-)))


Kind *bump* since you are still updating St. Maarten (very grateful for version 1.8)



PS also a nice shot:
by mgr
Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:15 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IF you're doing Schiphol, please include this...
Replies: 4
Views: 4828

Re: IF you're doing Schiphol, please include this...

Also please do not forget the general/bizzjet aviation corner, lots changed there the last 3 years:
by mgr
Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:01 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IF you're doing Schiphol, please include this...
Replies: 4
Views: 4828

IF you're doing Schiphol, please include this...

...the latest taxiway "S8" connecting the Sierra-apron with the start of runway 24.
by mgr
Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:09 am
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Small request for future update (St. Barths)
Replies: 1
Views: 2723

Small request for future update (St. Barths)

Hiya, Have a small request, is it possible in a future update to add the taxi in signs on the apron at St. Barths (TFFJ). They are drawn on the apron at the 3 points were the planes must turn in to get to the position. Also all 3 positions have a "stop-bar" painted on the tarmac. See these...
by mgr
Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:56 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Performance problems
Replies: 33
Views: 27419

Re: Performance problems

Martin, Attached test-patch that increases fps at SABA and TFFJ. In case of SABA I saw it going from 50 to 180 up close. Turns out FSX can't handle high poly platforms very well and since the terrain at SABA is a lot higher poly in V1.5, so was the platform for it. This patch doesn't change the terr...