Search found 7 matches

by ppo
Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:05 am
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Small Islands. No land textures
Replies: 1
Views: 4941

Re: Small Islands. No land textures

Disregard. It is caused by FTX Vector not FlyTampa problem.
by ppo
Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:10 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Small Islands. No land textures
Replies: 1
Views: 4941

Small Islands. No land textures

After fresh install of FT Tampa in P3Dv45 and P3Dv5.2hf1 I get this:
by ppo
Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:14 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Grenadines
Topic: Manual Default.xml Autogen
Replies: 3
Views: 11648

Re: Manual Default.xml Autogen

Yes, there is an actual fix. Look at this link

by ppo
Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:11 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Grenadines
Topic: Autogen Issues after FTX_OLC install. A solution
Replies: 5
Views: 12668

Re: Autogen Issues after FTX_OLC install. A solution

Update and final solution (I think) Tks to nyfe for this info about code H. 1. If the flytampa autogen editor did its job, the proper entries would have been put in default.xml 2. The fly grenadines autogen puts its files startiing at <CODE>R</CODE> 3. In my case that is where they were (using P3Dv3...
by ppo
Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:10 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Grenadines
Topic: Autogen Issues after FTX_OLC install. A solution
Replies: 5
Views: 12668

Autogen Issues after FTX_OLC install. A solution

If you have setup FT Grenadines correctly with autogen and your default.xml is not corrupt it is still possible that Autogen is not working. In my case, I have found the culprit to be the file: OLC_NA_REG.bgl located in the ORBX FTX_OLC Scenery folder. I have switched it off and my autogen is 100% o...
by ppo
Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:09 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-StMaarten
Topic: Issue With ORBX OpenLC NA
Replies: 6
Views: 7502

Re: Issue With ORBX OpenLC NA

A suggestion:
I just had a water polygon problem also at TNCM.
Many hours of analysis and reconfiguring did not help. Until I decided to clear up the shaders cache folder.
That did it. No more polygon problems.
Just my two cents.
by ppo
Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:17 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Athens
Topic: Athens city landclass mixup / flickering
Replies: 2
Views: 2791

Re: Athens city landclass mixup / flickering

I can confirm the workaround with no colateral visuals.
Tks Stillwater :wink: